[Minerva should hunt bullymongs with her]
Great chapter, yet again. Though may I suggest splitting the text into smaller paragraphs? My eyes kind of strained during this one XD
[Weapons, what would I do without you?]
I quickly snatched up the slag pistol and two singularity grenades, stuffing the grenade… mores into my pocket and the slag pistol firmly planted in my hand. I ran to the side of the wall, and watched as one of the bandits ran into the alleyway that Rick and Kyle had run into. I saw Kyle's skag, Tao, lying on the ground just ahead, a bullet in his side. The creature was squirming on the ground, crying out for help. I for one, didn't like skags too terribly much, but I was going to need friends here, and if I was going to get friends I should probably save the guy's pet. I flipped around the corner and fired a bullet into a marauder's head, and his head flung back and he hit the ground. The psycho beside him rushed for his dead friend's shotgun, and I fired another bullet into his leg. He fell to the ground and cursed the sky as the shotgun went sliding across the snow. "NO! SHOTTY! I NEED YOU!" He… [view original content]
[Weapons, what would I do without you?]
I quickly snatched up the slag pistol and two singularity grenades, stuffing the grenade… mores into my pocket and the slag pistol firmly planted in my hand. I ran to the side of the wall, and watched as one of the bandits ran into the alleyway that Rick and Kyle had run into. I saw Kyle's skag, Tao, lying on the ground just ahead, a bullet in his side. The creature was squirming on the ground, crying out for help. I for one, didn't like skags too terribly much, but I was going to need friends here, and if I was going to get friends I should probably save the guy's pet. I flipped around the corner and fired a bullet into a marauder's head, and his head flung back and he hit the ground. The psycho beside him rushed for his dead friend's shotgun, and I fired another bullet into his leg. He fell to the ground and cursed the sky as the shotgun went sliding across the snow. "NO! SHOTTY! I NEED YOU!" He… [view original content]
[Weapons, what would I do without you?]
I quickly snatched up the slag pistol and two singularity grenades, stuffing the grenade… mores into my pocket and the slag pistol firmly planted in my hand. I ran to the side of the wall, and watched as one of the bandits ran into the alleyway that Rick and Kyle had run into. I saw Kyle's skag, Tao, lying on the ground just ahead, a bullet in his side. The creature was squirming on the ground, crying out for help. I for one, didn't like skags too terribly much, but I was going to need friends here, and if I was going to get friends I should probably save the guy's pet. I flipped around the corner and fired a bullet into a marauder's head, and his head flung back and he hit the ground. The psycho beside him rushed for his dead friend's shotgun, and I fired another bullet into his leg. He fell to the ground and cursed the sky as the shotgun went sliding across the snow. "NO! SHOTTY! I NEED YOU!" He… [view original content]
[Weapons, what would I do without you?]
I quickly snatched up the slag pistol and two singularity grenades, stuffing the grenade… mores into my pocket and the slag pistol firmly planted in my hand. I ran to the side of the wall, and watched as one of the bandits ran into the alleyway that Rick and Kyle had run into. I saw Kyle's skag, Tao, lying on the ground just ahead, a bullet in his side. The creature was squirming on the ground, crying out for help. I for one, didn't like skags too terribly much, but I was going to need friends here, and if I was going to get friends I should probably save the guy's pet. I flipped around the corner and fired a bullet into a marauder's head, and his head flung back and he hit the ground. The psycho beside him rushed for his dead friend's shotgun, and I fired another bullet into his leg. He fell to the ground and cursed the sky as the shotgun went sliding across the snow. "NO! SHOTTY! I NEED YOU!" He… [view original content]
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blisterscope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head, apparently searching for some terrible music to play to us. I then quickly brought my head down as a bullet whizzed by. Blisterscope fired another round out from his sniper rifle, then put it back, pulling a yellow pistol out. "I ran out of ammo."
"Yeah, well you were using a sniper rifle like a...normal, rifle."
"I blame Call of Duty."
"I do too."
"For what?"
"Let's not talk about that."
"Fine by me."
After mine and Blisterscope's little conversation ended, a rocket suddenly burst threw the sky, headed straight for our little cover spot. "Shit! Run!" I cried out, jumping on to my back and Blisterscope looking with me, but all of a sudden, I realized I hadn't been incinerated into dust. I looked at the missile, as did Blisterscope, and noticed that the firing of bullets had also stopped. Nothing much was happening, actually, except for LL-X86 going on his rant still. I stood up, as did Blisterscope, and we both looked at the missile. Even Sophie and her robotic friends were looking in curiousness at the item. Then, with the sound of a microwave ding, a red flag popped out from the missile, white letters flowing on it.
"Oh crap!" I cried out, as the "missile" suddenly let out a shockwave. I began to float in the air, as did Blisterscope and everything else inside Claptrap's place. I latched on to the ION Loader's body, and floated up towards the ceiling. "It's not a missile! It's a zero-gravity transmitter!" Blisterscope cried out, and he jumped onto the ION with me. "Yeah, no shit!" I cried out, bullets pelting the air as the loaders flew upwards. I saw Claptrap get swung away, and Sophie was separated from her loader, and I couldn't see if Anton, Smiler and Zane were okay. But, I did see another familiar head.
I grabbed LL-X86, and looked at him. "Hey, play something Christmasy." I smiled, and if LL-X86 could smile, it's very likely he would have smiled one that would have made the Grinch faint.
I looked at LL-X86 in furiousness, and the robot just laughed. I threw him across the room, and he yelled back. "I regret nothing!" He said, just as he bumped across a loader, and flew behind it. The loader turned towards me and Blisterscope, and began firing bullets. "We need to turn off the zero-gravity!" I yelled, a bullet whizzing past my head. Blisterscope looked down at the transmitter and shook his head. "The loader's will tear us to shreds if we go out there!"
I looked down at the transmitter once again, and then back at the loaders shooting at us. I needed a plan, and fast.
[Ask Blisterscope to head for the transmitter while I cover him.]
[Ask Blisterscope to cover me while I head down for the transmitter.]
[Use the ION Loader's body as cover and float towards the transmitter.]
[Attempt to fight the rest of the bots in zero-gravity. AKA the badass option.]
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blistersc… moreope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head,… [view original content]
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blistersc… moreope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head,… [view original content]
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blistersc… moreope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head,… [view original content]
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blistersc… moreope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head,… [view original content]
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blistersc… moreope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head,… [view original content]
Oh, and sorry if this is overkill on the questions, but I just thought of it.
If you could give the characters each their own special Borderlands style title screens, what would the characters titles be?
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blistersc… moreope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head,… [view original content]
Oh, and sorry if this is overkill on the questions, but I just thought of it.
If you could give the characters each their own special Borderlands style title screens, what would the characters titles be?
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blistersc… moreope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head,… [view original content]
Okay guys, so I've been thinking about making another little story on the side...
And I know what you're thinking, you're probably groaning because this will be another project that will detract from the real powerhouse, which is Borderlands, correct?
Now, don't get me wrong. Other stories do make the wait a teensy bit longer. But, actually, having more than one fanfiction at a time is BETTER for me. Instead of having to do one thing for so long, it makes the quality start to drop. And honestly, I believe the high-point came in this story when I introduced Pet Sematary. So what do you guys think?
(Also, I have a very special surprise for you guys after the next part comes out dealing with Borderlands. ;P)
Okay guys, so I've been thinking about making another little story on the side...
And I know what you're thinking, you're probably groani… moreng because this will be another project that will detract from the real powerhouse, which is Borderlands, correct?
Now, don't get me wrong. Other stories do make the wait a teensy bit longer. But, actually, having more than one fanfiction at a time is BETTER for me. Instead of having to do one thing for so long, it makes the quality start to drop. And honestly, I believe the high-point came in this story when I introduced Pet Sematary. So what do you guys think?
(Also, I have a very special surprise for you guys after the next part comes out dealing with Borderlands. ;P)
Okay guys, so I've been thinking about making another little story on the side...
And I know what you're thinking, you're probably groani… moreng because this will be another project that will detract from the real powerhouse, which is Borderlands, correct?
Now, don't get me wrong. Other stories do make the wait a teensy bit longer. But, actually, having more than one fanfiction at a time is BETTER for me. Instead of having to do one thing for so long, it makes the quality start to drop. And honestly, I believe the high-point came in this story when I introduced Pet Sematary. So what do you guys think?
(Also, I have a very special surprise for you guys after the next part comes out dealing with Borderlands. ;P)
Okay guys, so I've been thinking about making another little story on the side...
And I know what you're thinking, you're probably groani… moreng because this will be another project that will detract from the real powerhouse, which is Borderlands, correct?
Now, don't get me wrong. Other stories do make the wait a teensy bit longer. But, actually, having more than one fanfiction at a time is BETTER for me. Instead of having to do one thing for so long, it makes the quality start to drop. And honestly, I believe the high-point came in this story when I introduced Pet Sematary. So what do you guys think?
(Also, I have a very special surprise for you guys after the next part comes out dealing with Borderlands. ;P)
Okay guys, so I've been thinking about making another little story on the side...
And I know what you're thinking, you're probably groani… moreng because this will be another project that will detract from the real powerhouse, which is Borderlands, correct?
Now, don't get me wrong. Other stories do make the wait a teensy bit longer. But, actually, having more than one fanfiction at a time is BETTER for me. Instead of having to do one thing for so long, it makes the quality start to drop. And honestly, I believe the high-point came in this story when I introduced Pet Sematary. So what do you guys think?
(Also, I have a very special surprise for you guys after the next part comes out dealing with Borderlands. ;P)
The two options would be The Stand, a brutal survival story about good vs. evil, in which the entire world is destroyed by a new disease, called by some Captain Trips. However, a demon as arisen from the ground in order to kill the few survivors left.
Action Hero, in which you control a variety of characters in an insane mission where they try and survive in various scenarios. More a for fun type thing in which you put your characters in the scenarios I create, and it's focus will be on action sequences rather than story and character development. It will also have plenty of parodies and humor.
The two options would be The Stand, a brutal survival story about good vs. evil, in which the entire world is destroyed by a new disease, ca… morelled by some Captain Trips. However, a demon as arisen from the ground in order to kill the few survivors left.
Action Hero, in which you control a variety of characters in an insane mission where they try and survive in various scenarios. More a for fun type thing in which you put your characters in the scenarios I create, and it's focus will be on action sequences rather than story and character development. It will also have plenty of parodies and humor.
Okay guys, so I've been thinking about making another little story on the side...
And I know what you're thinking, you're probably groani… moreng because this will be another project that will detract from the real powerhouse, which is Borderlands, correct?
Now, don't get me wrong. Other stories do make the wait a teensy bit longer. But, actually, having more than one fanfiction at a time is BETTER for me. Instead of having to do one thing for so long, it makes the quality start to drop. And honestly, I believe the high-point came in this story when I introduced Pet Sematary. So what do you guys think?
(Also, I have a very special surprise for you guys after the next part comes out dealing with Borderlands. ;P)
Bodies litter the streets below. Not a sound is heard in this small town, except for the distant screeching of a crow. It descends, heading for the ground, then lands, perching itself daintily on a poor soul's body. The rotting and fly covered body's neck has grown fat, turning a horrid blue color, and the stench from this desolate land is horrible.
There is a distant sound ahead. The sound of music playing. It's crackled and distorted, as if from a broken jukebox, and it's obvious the sound is coming from inside a building. One of these death-filled buildings has nearly caved in, and is filled with bulletholes. Scrawled in red letter on the front, almost destroyed door is one word:
The music is still playing in the distance, now obviously a rock song, but still distorted horribly. In front of another building just up ahead is a hazmat suit, and a rank death-soaked body inside it. The man's hazmat suit has been cut open at the leg. Somebody has obviously cut it open so the disease could get in.
A small gas station is just up ahead, and finally the source of the noise is found. Inside, blaring over the speakers is the crackly and static-filled I Love Rock N' Roll from Joan Jett herself. Of course, at this point, Joan Jett was long dead. Caught a fever then a stifling cough, and a few hours later they found her dead, her neck swelled up. Everyone who had entered the former rock star's room was dead too. It didn't matter who you were. If you caught old Captain Trips, you were dead.
Inside the old destroyed gas station, a man in a denim jacket and jeans sat, clicking his cowboy boots together and dancing. "I love, rock and roll, put another dime in the jukebox, baby..." He mumbled, spinning around slowly and dancing amidst the death. He had a face that made children cry, and whenever you passed this man you'd get a chill through your spine. It was inexplicable where this chill came from to yourself, but to the Dark Man it was obvious. He was a man of many names, some called him the Dark Man, or the Bag Man. But he knew himself as one name:
I called the doctor on the telephone, said doctor doctor please...I've got a feeling and I'm wheeling and dealing, can you tell me, is it some new disease?
Okay guys, so I've been thinking about making another little story on the side...
And I know what you're thinking, you're probably groani… moreng because this will be another project that will detract from the real powerhouse, which is Borderlands, correct?
Now, don't get me wrong. Other stories do make the wait a teensy bit longer. But, actually, having more than one fanfiction at a time is BETTER for me. Instead of having to do one thing for so long, it makes the quality start to drop. And honestly, I believe the high-point came in this story when I introduced Pet Sematary. So what do you guys think?
(Also, I have a very special surprise for you guys after the next part comes out dealing with Borderlands. ;P)
[You don't know the gravity of the situation...somebody please kill me...]
I pulled my pistol out and kicked the ION Loader forward. "Let's do this." I muttered, grabbing ahold of the blue robot just up ahead. Blisterscope was right behind me, holding on to his pistol tightly. I quickly climbed over the top and fired a few shots into an unsuspecting loader bot, and metal shrapnel flew from the dead robot into a flew other loaders. Blisterscope also fired a few shots, but his bullets harmlessly bounced off of the loaders. "What the hell is that gun you have?!" He yelled out over the gunfire, and I turned my head and called back. "I dunno! Anton gave it to me!" I fired another shot, blowing a BUL Loader's shield off. "It's awesome though, right?" I called out, and he nodded. I leaped away from the GUN Loader, firing bullets off into loaders. They exploded with great ferocity, shards of metal slowly flying off in different directions. The Super Badass looked at me, then loaded up his missiles. "Take your protein pills, and put your helmet on." It spoke, and then I watched as the missiles fired out at a surprisingly alarming rate. They were going fast...too fast for being in zero-gravity... "Oh crap!" I cried out, just as I felt something metal hit my leg and swiped me away from the missile.
I looked down, seeing the loader that Sophie had brought inside throwing me away from the missiles with it's riot shield. My leg hurt like hell, but at least I wasn't a few bits of ashes floating in the air. I watched as the loader bot turned around and stared down the Badass. "Check ignition, and may God's love be with you." It said, then fired rockets off at the much larger robot. The missiles seemed to make it stumble back a little bit, but it regained it's spot in the air and readied another barrage for the protector bot. "Lift off." He fired the gleaming white and red missiles in an orange flur, as they fired down towards the poor 457. The missiles impacted, and I saw a part of 457's riot shield flying through the air. "No!" Sophie cried out, and I saw her fighting another loader bot as she watched 457 explode.
Suddenly, something burst from the smoke. Something...oddly red...
I watched as LL-X86 floated by, ready to get the song up.
"This is Ground Control to Major Tom!"
457 smashed into the Badass, watching as it's riot shield flew by his body.
"You really made the grade!"
457 grabbed it's riot shield then hooked it back on his arm.
"And the papers want to know what shirts you wear!"
He smashed the riot shield into the Badass's missile slots, wedging it inbetween the gigantic loader's missile slots and the loader itself. He was trying to rip it off.
"Now it's time to leave the capsule, if you dare."
The missile launchers went flying off with a spark of electricity following them. The Super Badass Loader threw 457 away, but the smaller loader was soon up at ready to fight almost immediately.
"This is Major Tom to Ground Control..."
"I'm stepping through the door..."
457 jumped above and smashed it's riot shield into the Super Badass's eye, cracking the red light and sending it slowly flying back.
"And I'm floating in the most peculiar way..."
"I hate you and your David Bowie music!" The Super Badass Loader floating off, straight for the zero-gravity transmitter.
"Can you hear me Major Tom?"
"Can you hear me Major Tom?"
"Can you hear me Major Tom?"
"Can you hear me-"
The song was suddenly interrupted as the Super Badass Loader impacted the transmitter, and a bright light emerged from it as the zero-gravity transmitter turned into an orange and vibrant explosion. I shielded my eyes from the blast, and grabbed LL-X86 who was just floating up ahead. He may have been a psychotic DJ robot, but he was MY psychotic DJ robot. I tucked him up under my arms and jumped behind a dead loader missing both it's arms and it's legs. The bright light covered my vision, and I slipped into a state of semi-consciousness.
Can you hear me Major Tom...
Can you hear me Major Tom...
Can you hear me Major Tom...
My eyes slowly drifted open as I found myself awaking from my temporary slumber. I looked up, and immediately saw LL-X86's head swaying back and forth on top of the loader I had taken cover behind, which was now not only missing his legs, but also most of it's body. I stood up, and despite the pain, managed to stay up. I grabbed the head of the robot and looked at him. "LL-X86...are you okay?"
I tossed him away and started walking. "He's okay." I watched as Blisterscope climbed out from under some rubble, and 457 came walking by with Sophie on it's shoulder. It waved with it's riot shield, then sat Sophie down. Behind it came rolling Claptrap, sputtering and bouncing over pebbles and robot extremities. Zane came crawling out from under a loader, and just behind him came Anton with Smiler's arm around his back and on his shoulder to keep himself up. I looked at the group, and nodded. "Our battles always seem to end in explosions and music, don't they?"
There were a few mumbled "yeahs" and "uh-huhs" from the group, and I turned and looked at Claptrap. "Sorry about your place Claptrap." Claptrap looked at me, and shrugged. "Oh, it's okay! I am perfectly fine! Does it look like I'm not fine?! Because I am! I totally am!" Claptrap suddenly looked down at the floor and jumped on it, banging his fists on the ground, crying. "Whhyyyyy did they destroy my hooooooommmmeeee with all my collectibbbbbllllleeeessss!"
I left Claptrap to his tantrum and looked at the others for our next course of action. "So...what next?" I sniffled a little bit, then stuck my hands on my hips in impatience. Blisterscope spoke up first. "I guess we should head out into the snow again...I'm sure there's a backdoor."
Anton looked at him and shook his head. "We can't. Not with Smiler in his condition." Smiler looked at us and shook his head. "I'm fine. Actually, I can walk."
Anton looked at him with a funny gaze, and tilted his head. "If you can walk, then why the hell did you ask me to help carry you out here?"
Smiler flung a few hands in the air as if he were thinking, then finally responded. "Dramatic effect. Y'now?" Anton looked at Smiler angrily, then pushed him away. "Get the hell off me." He then proceeded to mutter something about freeloaders. "You look kind of freaky with that scar on your mouth too. I would not have touched you had I not felt obligated to."
Smiler looked at little sad for a second, which looked kind of strange as of his distinctive Glasglow grin, and he walked away, fishing something up out of the rubble. It was his cowboy hat, now full of holes and dust. He brushed it off, then placed it atop his head again.
"Well, I guess we're headed out then." I said, and walked up to LL-X86's head, who had since stopped the music, and kicked him up into the air, catching him in my hands. We started walking off towards the backdoor, and some of the others began talking. "The cold never bothered me anyway." 457 stated, and Sophie shrugged, pulling up Claptrap and dragging him along the best she could. Anton walked up and began to help her. She stepped off and let him do the heavy lifting, and he seemed okay with such a thing.
Zane in the back sighed, and also began to speak. "I wish I had packed my sweater..."
It had a been maybe a few hours since we had been walking. We had found nothing so far, nothing but snow and snow and snow. At this point, I could tell everyone was shivering, even Claptrap, although his shiver was more of a whimper over his destroyed home. The only one that wasn't feeling the effects of the cold was Loaderbot 457, who had earlier explained the "seat" warmer he had installed that year. I had then told myself that I would not disgrace myself by sticking my hand on that robot's but just for warmth. I had a choice to make, and that was to freeze to death or be a creepy robot butt toucher. Zane, of course, had no qualms with such claims and was holding his hands out in front of 457's bottomside.
I was just about ready to give into the snow and freeze to death, when off in the distance I suddenly spotted two silhouettes. They appeared to have looked at us, and then disappeared in the snow. I held LL-X86 rightly to my stomach and began running after them. I could hear the others following, as I emerged from the snow storm and found myself able to see the two figure. Two women, to be precise. One with blue covered over her, and another much woman in armor and a ponytail. They looked at our ragtag group, and the woman in the ponytail smiled and waved at us. "Sweet, new people!" She said, and began waking towards us. Suddenly, the woman with the blue hair struck her arm out in front of ponytail, who jumped back, and confused look on her face. The woman in blue had a nasty snarl on her face, as she tore down thing from her pocket and threw it at 457. It stuck to him, and he looked at it. "All good things must come to an end."
The chip was an EMP.
Loaderbot fizzled out, now temporarily falling over and into the snow. Zane launched up from the poor bot, and looked at it's sort of fried body on the ground. "My heater!" He cried out, and I patted him on the back. "I think that was the best thing for you, Zane."
The ponytail woman looked at the other in anger. "What the hell Gauss?!"
The blue-haired woman, apparently Gauss, pulled something from her back, an assault rifle, lined with blue streaks. She pointed it at Anton, and fired. A bullet flew through his arm as a thousand bolts of electricity vibrated throughout his body. He fell to his knees, then hit the ground with a face plant. "Gauss, what are you doing?!" The ponytail girl yelled again, and Gauss turned the assault rifle on her. "I know what you're thinking, Minerva. We're gonna bring these people back to Liar's Berg, right? Just a few more mouths to feed, huh?! Huh?! Well, I'm not taking it! I know if we bring these people back there, then Hammerlock will just let them in like he did that pathetic Nixon! I would have killed him in his sleep had you guys not shown up and proved to be his friend!"
"What the hell is wrong with you Gauss?!"
"I'm tired of people thinking they can just, freeload off of our little town!"
"What are you going to do with them, huh?!"
"You see that post over there!" Gauss screamed, pointing over to a wooden post out in the middle of the snow. "We're gonna tie each and everyone of them to that post. Bullymongs will rush out and eat them, and we'll gun the bullymongs down. Sound good?"
"You...you're insane!" Minerva cried out, and Gauss just stuck the rifle in her face. "I'm sorry, what was that? Oh, you mean Minerva died as a hero when a bullymong attacked her friend Gauss? And that you nobody should look for her body as it totally doesn't have bulletholes in it? Is that what you're saying?"
Minerva sadly looked at us, and pulled the assault rifle from her back and pointed it at us. "I'm sorry guys."
"What the hell?!"
"Can we come back later?"
"First my home, and now this?!"
"This was really bad timing."
"If I had a body I would kill you SO hard right now."
I would have shot at them, I'm sure we could have killed them had we been able to. But we were all low on ammo, and I knew it. Most of us had lost our guns in the explosion or battle, but I knew Blisterscope still had his sniper rifle, despite it not having any ammo. I also still had the Jock Shockey, but it too was unfortunately ammoless. We were trapped between a rock and a hard place.
Gauss searched over us, her beady eyes looking over everyone. She suddenly pointed towards Zane, and began walking towards him. "You! You're first! I just really don't like your face. It's...just...wow...it's your face." She grabbed him by the back of his neck despite his protests, and began marching him over towards the post. "Guys! Guys! Help! Please! I really need help! Please!" He cried out, as Gauss stuck his hands behind the post and grabbed an old rope that sat under it. She tied his hands behind it, and then walked in front of him. She took something from her pocket and smeared a red, sticky substance all over his body and his face.
She then ran back to us, and watched.
Quickly, almost out of nowhere, a bullymong began approaching. "That stuff works fast." I heard Blisterscope mumbling, and I watched as Zane's death slowly came to him. "Please! Help! Help!" He cried out again, squirming in his binds.
"Oh, what the hell." Minerva suddenly said, and aimed her assault rifle in the air, shooting Zane's ropes with supreme accuracy. He lifted up his hands and smiled, looking at his newfound freeness. Out of the frying pan...
The bullymond rushed up, and roared, slamming it's fist down at him. He jumped out of the way with a girly scream, and the bullymong smashed the ground.
...and into the fryer. Zane began to run, and just in front of us, Gauss was looking at Minerva with a divine hatred. "You bitch!" She said, then ran up and tackled Minerva to the ground. I turned around myself to see Blisterscope and Sophie dragging Anton off to safety. Claptrap was working on getting Loaderbot 457's systems back online. I then turned to Smiler, who was looking at the fight, then back to the bullymong, then back to the fight, then back to the bullymong. And those decisions are coming back...
So, Gauss joins the list of insane people now... Nah, she's still not as evil as LL-X86
[Stop the fight and have Smiler save Zane]
While Smilers shotgun could come in handy when dealing with a huge creature, like a bullymong for example, it is not the best weapon to stop a fight with.
[You don't know the gravity of the situation...somebody please kill me...]
I pulled my pistol out and kicked the ION Loader fo… morerward. "Let's do this." I muttered, grabbing ahold of the blue robot just up ahead. Blisterscope was right behind me, holding on to his pistol tightly. I quickly climbed over the top and fired a few shots into an unsuspecting loader bot, and metal shrapnel flew from the dead robot into a flew other loaders. Blisterscope also fired a few shots, but his bullets harmlessly bounced off of the loaders. "What the hell is that gun you have?!" He yelled out over the gunfire, and I turned my head and called back. "I dunno! Anton gave it to me!" I fired another shot, blowing a BUL Loader's shield off. "It's awesome though, right?" I called out, and he nodded. I leaped away from the GUN Loader, firing bullets off into loaders. They exploded with great ferocity, shards of metal slowly flying off in different directio… [view original content]
[You don't know the gravity of the situation...somebody please kill me...]
I pulled my pistol out and kicked the ION Loader fo… morerward. "Let's do this." I muttered, grabbing ahold of the blue robot just up ahead. Blisterscope was right behind me, holding on to his pistol tightly. I quickly climbed over the top and fired a few shots into an unsuspecting loader bot, and metal shrapnel flew from the dead robot into a flew other loaders. Blisterscope also fired a few shots, but his bullets harmlessly bounced off of the loaders. "What the hell is that gun you have?!" He yelled out over the gunfire, and I turned my head and called back. "I dunno! Anton gave it to me!" I fired another shot, blowing a BUL Loader's shield off. "It's awesome though, right?" I called out, and he nodded. I leaped away from the GUN Loader, firing bullets off into loaders. They exploded with great ferocity, shards of metal slowly flying off in different directio… [view original content]
Fixed it up. :P
[Nixon should hunt bullymongs with her.]
Amazing chapter, especially the Random Psycho part. Wonder if we're gonna fight Captain Flynt. xD
Can't wait for the next one already
[Minerva should hunt bullymongs with her.]
[Minerva should hunt bullymongs with her.]
Amazing chapter!
Lol, they killed my skag....
{Minerva should hunt bullymongs}
He'll rest in pieces.
Choco, did my second character Tatyana get to you?
Just askin' because I might have fuck something up
Oh, yeah, I got her. I'm just lazy as hell so I haven't added her to the roster yet. I'll do it in just a second.
Good to know, thanks ;D
(Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever You Celebrate! Here's my gift to you!)
[Blisterscope, let's do this.]
"Blisterscope, come on. We need to fight off the rest of these loaders." I yelled over the gunfire, and Blisterscope nodded. "Let's go!" He said, and we quickly hopped over the loader's body and sprayed bullets through the air. The loaders watched us firing, and they retaliated with many missiles, shrapnel, grenades, and of course, bullets. "Crap!" I cried out, jumping under an ION Loader's body, and pushed it over as a shield. Blisterscope followed suit and quickly slid up to the makeshift cover. "This was a bad idea." He said, and I nodded. "I'm going to agree with that, actually. This was a pretty bad idea." I replied, then suddenly, something caught my attention just in front of us. It was a particular angry yelling robot head. "Where's that Nickelback playlist?"
I peered over, and saw the psycho robot head, apparently searching for some terrible music to play to us. I then quickly brought my head down as a bullet whizzed by. Blisterscope fired another round out from his sniper rifle, then put it back, pulling a yellow pistol out. "I ran out of ammo."
"Yeah, well you were using a sniper rifle like a...normal, rifle."
"I blame Call of Duty."
"I do too."
"For what?"
"Let's not talk about that."
"Fine by me."
After mine and Blisterscope's little conversation ended, a rocket suddenly burst threw the sky, headed straight for our little cover spot. "Shit! Run!" I cried out, jumping on to my back and Blisterscope looking with me, but all of a sudden, I realized I hadn't been incinerated into dust. I looked at the missile, as did Blisterscope, and noticed that the firing of bullets had also stopped. Nothing much was happening, actually, except for LL-X86 going on his rant still. I stood up, as did Blisterscope, and we both looked at the missile. Even Sophie and her robotic friends were looking in curiousness at the item. Then, with the sound of a microwave ding, a red flag popped out from the missile, white letters flowing on it.
"Oh crap!" I cried out, as the "missile" suddenly let out a shockwave. I began to float in the air, as did Blisterscope and everything else inside Claptrap's place. I latched on to the ION Loader's body, and floated up towards the ceiling. "It's not a missile! It's a zero-gravity transmitter!" Blisterscope cried out, and he jumped onto the ION with me. "Yeah, no shit!" I cried out, bullets pelting the air as the loaders flew upwards. I saw Claptrap get swung away, and Sophie was separated from her loader, and I couldn't see if Anton, Smiler and Zane were okay. But, I did see another familiar head.
I grabbed LL-X86, and looked at him. "Hey, play something Christmasy." I smiled, and if LL-X86 could smile, it's very likely he would have smiled one that would have made the Grinch faint.
I looked at LL-X86 in furiousness, and the robot just laughed. I threw him across the room, and he yelled back. "I regret nothing!" He said, just as he bumped across a loader, and flew behind it. The loader turned towards me and Blisterscope, and began firing bullets. "We need to turn off the zero-gravity!" I yelled, a bullet whizzing past my head. Blisterscope looked down at the transmitter and shook his head. "The loader's will tear us to shreds if we go out there!"
I looked down at the transmitter once again, and then back at the loaders shooting at us. I needed a plan, and fast.
[Ask Blisterscope to head for the transmitter while I cover him.]
[Ask Blisterscope to cover me while I head down for the transmitter.]
[Use the ION Loader's body as cover and float towards the transmitter.]
[Attempt to fight the rest of the bots in zero-gravity. AKA the badass option.]
Merry chrismas Super
[Badass Option]
Merry Christmas bro! BTW, that Justin Bieber joke was pure genius.
My god... Justin Bieber? Nickleback? That robot is officially out of control and probably even worse than Handsome Jack now!
[Attempt to fight the rest of the bots in zero-gravity. AKA the badass option.]
Merry Christmas Super! Thank you for writing this!
[Attempt to fight the rest of the bots in zero-gravity. AKA the badass option.]
Merry christamas!!!!!!
[Attempt to fight the rest of the bots in zero-gravity. AKA the badass option.]
Merry Christmas y'all!
Well my character is one of the waiting to be introduced characters. Hope i see him soon
I actually put that in my character
Barry Dotter: The Skag That Lived
[Badass Option that probably will get Jericho killed]
Because why not!
I second this....
Bandits don't make good parents, he's living proof of that.
[Attempt to fight the rest of the bots in zero-gravity. AKA the badass option.]
Merry Christmas!
Okay guys, so I've been thinking about making another little story on the side...
And I know what you're thinking, you're probably groaning because this will be another project that will detract from the real powerhouse, which is Borderlands, correct?
Now, don't get me wrong. Other stories do make the wait a teensy bit longer. But, actually, having more than one fanfiction at a time is BETTER for me. Instead of having to do one thing for so long, it makes the quality start to drop. And honestly, I believe the high-point came in this story when I introduced Pet Sematary. So what do you guys think?
(Also, I have a very special surprise for you guys after the next part comes out dealing with Borderlands. ;P)
[Yay!] Sure!!
All of your stories are among the best on this forum so far and I will sure as hell love to read more!
About what will it be the new story? (if you do it :P)
I've got two I want to do, but I only have room for one so I was going to let tou guys choose whenever enough have voted here. :P
Tell me the options :P
The two options would be The Stand, a brutal survival story about good vs. evil, in which the entire world is destroyed by a new disease, called by some Captain Trips. However, a demon as arisen from the ground in order to kill the few survivors left.
Action Hero, in which you control a variety of characters in an insane mission where they try and survive in various scenarios. More a for fun type thing in which you put your characters in the scenarios I create, and it's focus will be on action sequences rather than story and character development. It will also have plenty of parodies and humor.
The Stand
Bodies litter the streets below. Not a sound is heard in this small town, except for the distant screeching of a crow. It descends, heading for the ground, then lands, perching itself daintily on a poor soul's body. The rotting and fly covered body's neck has grown fat, turning a horrid blue color, and the stench from this desolate land is horrible.
There is a distant sound ahead. The sound of music playing. It's crackled and distorted, as if from a broken jukebox, and it's obvious the sound is coming from inside a building. One of these death-filled buildings has nearly caved in, and is filled with bulletholes. Scrawled in red letter on the front, almost destroyed door is one word:
The music is still playing in the distance, now obviously a rock song, but still distorted horribly. In front of another building just up ahead is a hazmat suit, and a rank death-soaked body inside it. The man's hazmat suit has been cut open at the leg. Somebody has obviously cut it open so the disease could get in.
A small gas station is just up ahead, and finally the source of the noise is found. Inside, blaring over the speakers is the crackly and static-filled I Love Rock N' Roll from Joan Jett herself. Of course, at this point, Joan Jett was long dead. Caught a fever then a stifling cough, and a few hours later they found her dead, her neck swelled up. Everyone who had entered the former rock star's room was dead too. It didn't matter who you were. If you caught old Captain Trips, you were dead.
Inside the old destroyed gas station, a man in a denim jacket and jeans sat, clicking his cowboy boots together and dancing. "I love, rock and roll, put another dime in the jukebox, baby..." He mumbled, spinning around slowly and dancing amidst the death. He had a face that made children cry, and whenever you passed this man you'd get a chill through your spine. It was inexplicable where this chill came from to yourself, but to the Dark Man it was obvious. He was a man of many names, some called him the Dark Man, or the Bag Man. But he knew himself as one name:
Randall Flagg.
The Stand
I called the doctor on the telephone, said doctor doctor please...I've got a feeling and I'm wheeling and dealing, can you tell me, is it some new disease?
Sorry I missed this, it un-followed your thread
Hope you still love me...
And IIIIIIIIIIIIII, eeeeIIIIIIIII, will always loooooovvveeee youuuuuuu
[You don't know the gravity of the situation...somebody please kill me...]
I pulled my pistol out and kicked the ION Loader forward. "Let's do this." I muttered, grabbing ahold of the blue robot just up ahead. Blisterscope was right behind me, holding on to his pistol tightly. I quickly climbed over the top and fired a few shots into an unsuspecting loader bot, and metal shrapnel flew from the dead robot into a flew other loaders. Blisterscope also fired a few shots, but his bullets harmlessly bounced off of the loaders. "What the hell is that gun you have?!" He yelled out over the gunfire, and I turned my head and called back. "I dunno! Anton gave it to me!" I fired another shot, blowing a BUL Loader's shield off. "It's awesome though, right?" I called out, and he nodded. I leaped away from the GUN Loader, firing bullets off into loaders. They exploded with great ferocity, shards of metal slowly flying off in different directions. The Super Badass looked at me, then loaded up his missiles. "Take your protein pills, and put your helmet on." It spoke, and then I watched as the missiles fired out at a surprisingly alarming rate. They were going fast...too fast for being in zero-gravity... "Oh crap!" I cried out, just as I felt something metal hit my leg and swiped me away from the missile.
I looked down, seeing the loader that Sophie had brought inside throwing me away from the missiles with it's riot shield. My leg hurt like hell, but at least I wasn't a few bits of ashes floating in the air. I watched as the loader bot turned around and stared down the Badass. "Check ignition, and may God's love be with you." It said, then fired rockets off at the much larger robot. The missiles seemed to make it stumble back a little bit, but it regained it's spot in the air and readied another barrage for the protector bot. "Lift off." He fired the gleaming white and red missiles in an orange flur, as they fired down towards the poor 457. The missiles impacted, and I saw a part of 457's riot shield flying through the air. "No!" Sophie cried out, and I saw her fighting another loader bot as she watched 457 explode.
Suddenly, something burst from the smoke. Something...oddly red...
I watched as LL-X86 floated by, ready to get the song up.
"This is Ground Control to Major Tom!"
457 smashed into the Badass, watching as it's riot shield flew by his body.
"You really made the grade!"
457 grabbed it's riot shield then hooked it back on his arm.
"And the papers want to know what shirts you wear!"
He smashed the riot shield into the Badass's missile slots, wedging it inbetween the gigantic loader's missile slots and the loader itself. He was trying to rip it off.
"Now it's time to leave the capsule, if you dare."
The missile launchers went flying off with a spark of electricity following them. The Super Badass Loader threw 457 away, but the smaller loader was soon up at ready to fight almost immediately.
"This is Major Tom to Ground Control..."
"I'm stepping through the door..."
457 jumped above and smashed it's riot shield into the Super Badass's eye, cracking the red light and sending it slowly flying back.
"And I'm floating in the most peculiar way..."
"I hate you and your David Bowie music!" The Super Badass Loader floating off, straight for the zero-gravity transmitter.
"Can you hear me Major Tom?"
"Can you hear me Major Tom?"
"Can you hear me Major Tom?"
"Can you hear me-"
The song was suddenly interrupted as the Super Badass Loader impacted the transmitter, and a bright light emerged from it as the zero-gravity transmitter turned into an orange and vibrant explosion. I shielded my eyes from the blast, and grabbed LL-X86 who was just floating up ahead. He may have been a psychotic DJ robot, but he was MY psychotic DJ robot. I tucked him up under my arms and jumped behind a dead loader missing both it's arms and it's legs. The bright light covered my vision, and I slipped into a state of semi-consciousness.
Can you hear me Major Tom...
Can you hear me Major Tom...
Can you hear me Major Tom...
My eyes slowly drifted open as I found myself awaking from my temporary slumber. I looked up, and immediately saw LL-X86's head swaying back and forth on top of the loader I had taken cover behind, which was now not only missing his legs, but also most of it's body. I stood up, and despite the pain, managed to stay up. I grabbed the head of the robot and looked at him. "LL-X86...are you okay?"
I tossed him away and started walking. "He's okay." I watched as Blisterscope climbed out from under some rubble, and 457 came walking by with Sophie on it's shoulder. It waved with it's riot shield, then sat Sophie down. Behind it came rolling Claptrap, sputtering and bouncing over pebbles and robot extremities. Zane came crawling out from under a loader, and just behind him came Anton with Smiler's arm around his back and on his shoulder to keep himself up. I looked at the group, and nodded. "Our battles always seem to end in explosions and music, don't they?"
There were a few mumbled "yeahs" and "uh-huhs" from the group, and I turned and looked at Claptrap. "Sorry about your place Claptrap." Claptrap looked at me, and shrugged. "Oh, it's okay! I am perfectly fine! Does it look like I'm not fine?! Because I am! I totally am!" Claptrap suddenly looked down at the floor and jumped on it, banging his fists on the ground, crying. "Whhyyyyy did they destroy my hooooooommmmeeee with all my collectibbbbbllllleeeessss!"
I left Claptrap to his tantrum and looked at the others for our next course of action. "So...what next?" I sniffled a little bit, then stuck my hands on my hips in impatience. Blisterscope spoke up first. "I guess we should head out into the snow again...I'm sure there's a backdoor."
Anton looked at him and shook his head. "We can't. Not with Smiler in his condition." Smiler looked at us and shook his head. "I'm fine. Actually, I can walk."
Anton looked at him with a funny gaze, and tilted his head. "If you can walk, then why the hell did you ask me to help carry you out here?"
Smiler flung a few hands in the air as if he were thinking, then finally responded. "Dramatic effect. Y'now?" Anton looked at Smiler angrily, then pushed him away. "Get the hell off me." He then proceeded to mutter something about freeloaders. "You look kind of freaky with that scar on your mouth too. I would not have touched you had I not felt obligated to."
Smiler looked at little sad for a second, which looked kind of strange as of his distinctive Glasglow grin, and he walked away, fishing something up out of the rubble. It was his cowboy hat, now full of holes and dust. He brushed it off, then placed it atop his head again.
"Well, I guess we're headed out then." I said, and walked up to LL-X86's head, who had since stopped the music, and kicked him up into the air, catching him in my hands. We started walking off towards the backdoor, and some of the others began talking. "The cold never bothered me anyway." 457 stated, and Sophie shrugged, pulling up Claptrap and dragging him along the best she could. Anton walked up and began to help her. She stepped off and let him do the heavy lifting, and he seemed okay with such a thing.
Zane in the back sighed, and also began to speak. "I wish I had packed my sweater..."
It had a been maybe a few hours since we had been walking. We had found nothing so far, nothing but snow and snow and snow. At this point, I could tell everyone was shivering, even Claptrap, although his shiver was more of a whimper over his destroyed home. The only one that wasn't feeling the effects of the cold was Loaderbot 457, who had earlier explained the "seat" warmer he had installed that year. I had then told myself that I would not disgrace myself by sticking my hand on that robot's but just for warmth. I had a choice to make, and that was to freeze to death or be a creepy robot butt toucher. Zane, of course, had no qualms with such claims and was holding his hands out in front of 457's bottomside.
I was just about ready to give into the snow and freeze to death, when off in the distance I suddenly spotted two silhouettes. They appeared to have looked at us, and then disappeared in the snow. I held LL-X86 rightly to my stomach and began running after them. I could hear the others following, as I emerged from the snow storm and found myself able to see the two figure. Two women, to be precise. One with blue covered over her, and another much woman in armor and a ponytail. They looked at our ragtag group, and the woman in the ponytail smiled and waved at us. "Sweet, new people!" She said, and began waking towards us. Suddenly, the woman with the blue hair struck her arm out in front of ponytail, who jumped back, and confused look on her face. The woman in blue had a nasty snarl on her face, as she tore down thing from her pocket and threw it at 457. It stuck to him, and he looked at it. "All good things must come to an end."
The chip was an EMP.
Loaderbot fizzled out, now temporarily falling over and into the snow. Zane launched up from the poor bot, and looked at it's sort of fried body on the ground. "My heater!" He cried out, and I patted him on the back. "I think that was the best thing for you, Zane."
The ponytail woman looked at the other in anger. "What the hell Gauss?!"
The blue-haired woman, apparently Gauss, pulled something from her back, an assault rifle, lined with blue streaks. She pointed it at Anton, and fired. A bullet flew through his arm as a thousand bolts of electricity vibrated throughout his body. He fell to his knees, then hit the ground with a face plant. "Gauss, what are you doing?!" The ponytail girl yelled again, and Gauss turned the assault rifle on her. "I know what you're thinking, Minerva. We're gonna bring these people back to Liar's Berg, right? Just a few more mouths to feed, huh?! Huh?! Well, I'm not taking it! I know if we bring these people back there, then Hammerlock will just let them in like he did that pathetic Nixon! I would have killed him in his sleep had you guys not shown up and proved to be his friend!"
"What the hell is wrong with you Gauss?!"
"I'm tired of people thinking they can just, freeload off of our little town!"
"What are you going to do with them, huh?!"
"You see that post over there!" Gauss screamed, pointing over to a wooden post out in the middle of the snow. "We're gonna tie each and everyone of them to that post. Bullymongs will rush out and eat them, and we'll gun the bullymongs down. Sound good?"
"You...you're insane!" Minerva cried out, and Gauss just stuck the rifle in her face. "I'm sorry, what was that? Oh, you mean Minerva died as a hero when a bullymong attacked her friend Gauss? And that you nobody should look for her body as it totally doesn't have bulletholes in it? Is that what you're saying?"
Minerva sadly looked at us, and pulled the assault rifle from her back and pointed it at us. "I'm sorry guys."
"What the hell?!"
"Can we come back later?"
"First my home, and now this?!"
"This was really bad timing."
"If I had a body I would kill you SO hard right now."
I would have shot at them, I'm sure we could have killed them had we been able to. But we were all low on ammo, and I knew it. Most of us had lost our guns in the explosion or battle, but I knew Blisterscope still had his sniper rifle, despite it not having any ammo. I also still had the Jock Shockey, but it too was unfortunately ammoless. We were trapped between a rock and a hard place.
Gauss searched over us, her beady eyes looking over everyone. She suddenly pointed towards Zane, and began walking towards him. "You! You're first! I just really don't like your face. It's...just...wow...it's your face." She grabbed him by the back of his neck despite his protests, and began marching him over towards the post. "Guys! Guys! Help! Please! I really need help! Please!" He cried out, as Gauss stuck his hands behind the post and grabbed an old rope that sat under it. She tied his hands behind it, and then walked in front of him. She took something from her pocket and smeared a red, sticky substance all over his body and his face.
She then ran back to us, and watched.
Quickly, almost out of nowhere, a bullymong began approaching. "That stuff works fast." I heard Blisterscope mumbling, and I watched as Zane's death slowly came to him. "Please! Help! Help!" He cried out again, squirming in his binds.
"Oh, what the hell." Minerva suddenly said, and aimed her assault rifle in the air, shooting Zane's ropes with supreme accuracy. He lifted up his hands and smiled, looking at his newfound freeness. Out of the frying pan...
The bullymond rushed up, and roared, slamming it's fist down at him. He jumped out of the way with a girly scream, and the bullymong smashed the ground.
...and into the fryer. Zane began to run, and just in front of us, Gauss was looking at Minerva with a divine hatred. "You bitch!" She said, then ran up and tackled Minerva to the ground. I turned around myself to see Blisterscope and Sophie dragging Anton off to safety. Claptrap was working on getting Loaderbot 457's systems back online. I then turned to Smiler, who was looking at the fight, then back to the bullymong, then back to the fight, then back to the bullymong. And those decisions are coming back...
[Save Zane and have Smiler stop the fight]
[Stop the fight and have Smiler save Zane]
So, Gauss joins the list of insane people now... Nah, she's still not as evil as LL-X86
[Stop the fight and have Smiler save Zane]
While Smilers shotgun could come in handy when dealing with a huge creature, like a bullymong for example, it is not the best weapon to stop a fight with.
[Stop the fight and have Smiler save Zane]
I think Jericho's diplomacy skills are better. Also,
Laughed good at this xD