Why CAPTCHA on EVERY post??

Why do I have to use CAPTCHA on every single post when some people tell me they don't?
I have never seen a forum like this where I have to do this. And, I have never seen a forum where it won't send you an email notification when someone posts back. Do you expect me to stay on your site 24/7?


  • I think it's cause you just joined. Just in case you aren't a spam-bot or something.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. We require new users to use Captcha for their first 10 posts in order to filter out any possible spam accounts being created by spam-bots. After your 10th post/comment, you will be able to freely post in threads without having to complete the Captcha step.

  • Okay, not a problem. Thanks. Now off to play the game…

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