The masses claim for Fizzball

edited May 2009 in Sam & Max
And with masses i mean me.
I, i demand a Fizzball mini-game.

Cmon, like im the only one here wishing to see Max swinging at explosives beer cans.
Imagine yourself being able to control that kind of anti-social behaviour....
And for those who have a Wii, imagine yourselfs directly swinging at the beer...

The cans exploding...the beer spouting...the children crying...ohhh the glory.

Please Telltale people. Listen to the masses.


  • edited April 2009
    I agree! Strongly! (Strong-badly even!)
  • edited April 2009
    I think I just cried at the Beauty of that Idea.
    Imagine if they showed animations of each different Ball. With the stupid Neighbors getting hit in the face by exploding beer.
  • edited April 2009
    That would be really cool! I play baseball on the Wii sometimes, and it would be a lot more interesting swinging at beer cans instead of baseballs, which are SOOOO overrated. XD
  • edited April 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    That would be really cool! I play baseball on the Wii sometimes, and it would be a lot more interesting swinging at beer cans instead of baseballs, which are SOOOO overrated. XD

    I'm sure the beer cans would be "voluntarily" changed to soda cans if it came out on the Wii. I mean look what happened to Beer Pong ;)
  • edited April 2009
    wow!it will be cool!Maybe a game for the virtual console...I want to play Fizzball!
  • edited May 2009
    MaxLover wrote: »
    wow!it will be cool!Maybe a game for the virtual console...I want to play Fizzball!

    I agree with this idea! A Fizzball minigame would be lovely. :D And yes, a whole game in VC dedicated to it.. even better!
  • edited May 2009
    i think the whole rhyme behind the game might not be all ages friendly.. being a drinking game n all :P
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2009
    Is Fizzball a drinking game? You don't actually drink the beer, you smash it to bits. Surely it's an anti-drinking game, kids.
  • edited May 2009
    And as was said before, they could easily change the beer to soda. Or they could call it a "Cold One". I'm not entirely sure that's beer. We could pretend it's not. ;)
  • edited May 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    Is Fizzball a drinking game? You don't actually drink the beer, you smash it to bits. Surely it's an anti-drinking game, kids.

    Yeah, but try telling that to the cops when they smell beer on the kids.
  • edited May 2009 could try hiting at those alcohol-free beers.
    MaxFan wrote: »
    Yeah, but try telling that to the cops when they smell beer on the kids.

    First try telling the cops that you are destroying beer cans with a big stick, delivering sharpening metal shreds all over the neighborhood.
  • edited May 2009
    It's a video game. I'm sure the cops won't be able to actually smell the beer. [/eyeroll]
  • edited May 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    It's a video game. I'm sure the cops won't be able to actually smell the beer. [/eyeroll]

    They could if Nintendo releases some weird-ass "Smell & Play" add-on... ugh.
  • Ignatius wrote: »
    And with masses i mean me.
    I, i demand a Fizzball mini-game.

    Cmon, like im the only one here wishing to see Max swinging at explosives beer cans.
    Imagine yourself being able to control that kind of anti-social behaviour....
    And for those who have a Wii, imagine yourselfs directly swinging at the beer...

    The cans exploding...the beer spouting...the children crying...ohhh the glory.

    Please Telltale people. Listen to the masses.

    Why It'd be a public service!...keep the kiddies out of the street,give them something more interesting to do besides stealing the hubcaps off my DeSoto to sell for push pop money or crushing live hand grenades is dad's vise!
  • MaxFan wrote: »
    Yeah, but try telling that to the cops when they smell beer on the kids.

    Rotting Mackeral is a great way to mask the odor of beer,Max tried it and the cops wouldnt go near his fuzzy little hide,let alone dare stink up thier squad car.AND rotting mackeral also wards off evil demons,tele-marketers and bill collectors![/SIZE]
  • edited May 2009
    i heard steve purcell and his wife played real fizzball at their wedding, lol i want 2 play now.
  • 2dsgurl wrote: »
    i heard steve purcell and his wife played real fizzball at their wedding, lol i want 2 play now.

    LoL! You may now fizz the bride!:)
  • edited May 2009
    Fizball featured on Reaper the other week (well T-Fizzball). huzzah.
  • edited May 2009
    Must swing at beer-cans noooooaaaaaaaaahhhhwwww!
  • edited May 2009
    I agree, a Fizzball game would be really cool if there was a Fizzball, as long as some rules were figured out for it. Otherwise it would just be a Fizzball activity, or a Fizzball goings-on. I stole the shape of that last sentence from Homestar Runner. It's what I think, though.

    And I think you meant "the masses clamour for Fizzball", not claim.
  • edited May 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I agree, a Fizzball game would be really cool if there was a Fizzball, as long as some rules were figured out for it. Otherwise it would just be a Fizzball activity, or a Fizzball goings-on. I stole the shape of that last sentence from Homestar Runner. It's what I think, though.

    And I think you meant "the masses clamour for Fizzball", not claim.

    Thought I recognized that. ;)

    Maybe you could give it SOME of the rules of baseball. Not all of them (I mean, come on, you're not gonna try and pick up a shredded can!) though. Or maybe you could change the rules entirely. Try to hit a target, perhaps, or try to soak the most amount of area with beer? :D
  • Maxilyah wrote: »
    Thought I recognized that. ;)

    Maybe you could give it SOME of the rules of baseball. Not all of them (I mean, come on, you're not gonna try and pick up a shredded can!) though. Or maybe you could change the rules entirely. Try to hit a target, perhaps, or try to soak the most amount of area with beer? :D

    We'd have to test all the players for steroids too!,we want a clean game here!
  • edited May 2009
    Yes, and if they weren't on steroids, they'd be disqualified!

    I second (?) the Fizzball idea. I'd love to try!
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