StrongBrush1 wrote: » 0/10 That link is pure Shmuck Bait. Do NOT click on it.
lovetodo22 wrote: » As a brony, I must state that your video made me very sad and angry. -99999999999/10
lovetodo22 wrote: » Some Score/ Something Else
seibert999 wrote: » penguins/pokemon
it was OK, for a brony
I'm just trollin', man!
i LOVE sam and max
Problem, seibert999?
Fighting the good fight is better than 10, it's turkey sandwich.
That link is pure Shmuck Bait. Do NOT click on it.
What are you talking about? Did you even watch the whole thing? It gets better trust me. (Anyone who rates mine next, make sure you watch the whole thing.)
It's not mine, but
Also, 10/10.
Whoa, meme overload.
I laughed.
It's some sort of weird, but I like weird xD
Wow, that's a really good rating.
I'm not one, by the way. I'm just having fun.
(That's good)
Gotta love your general state of layabout!