Bully (the video game) Fan Thread!
Hello, we've been expecting you. Welcome to Bullworth Academy, ah.
This will be the thread where you will discuss things related to your shenanigans throughout the peaceful town of Bullworth. And please, feel free to post any videos, music, or memes concerning the game. Perhaps even discuss the thoughts on a possible sequel for a 'Bully 2' if Rockstar does consider making one! (we can only hope)
Have a taste of the amazing soundtrack that this game has to offer, these are only but a few songs that are part of it:
FYI: People who play the original version of Bully on the PS2 or the Scholarship Edition on the 360, Wii, or PC can still post, since both versions actually are different.
I played that game but I don't think it's called Bully...
it is, look it up
it was a good idea to put that (the video game) thing there ;P
It is called that. It's either Bully: Scholarship Edition if you own a 360, Wii, or PC version of the game. Or Bully: Canis Canem Edit if you own the PS2 version.
Thanks. :P I had a feeling that some people would be super-confused by the title if I just put 'Bully Fan Thread'. XD
Ah I didn't know this thread was here at first lol
Anyway, as you know, I'm a big Bully fan.
I just love the music and Jimmy Hopkins is awesome. Its cool that you can do so much things, like bike and kart racing, go to the carnival, pull pranks on people, beat up the bullies, taunt teachers. Its great fun
I could never resist fighting the prefects.. fists only. Needless to say detention was a frequent occurrence.
lol yeah its too bad ya cant actually knock them out (I don't think)
I actually just started playing it. I bought it while it was on sale. It seems pretty fun so far.
Good man
You'll love it
At least you know now.
Hell yeah! The game is literally THE ultimate bully simulator thus far - giving wedgies and stuffing people into lockers is fun too!
I should try that myself! So far I've only took out a couple with my spud gun and rocket launcher, and gave a poor prefect at least 5 wedgies in a row. Ouch. :P
You can, it's just really hard if you attempt to do it with only fists. I think the second or third time you get grabbed by one of them, you get busted immediately.
Oh, you'll definitely enjoy it, dude! I also believe that you'll like the Halloween and Winter portions of the game especially.
yeah i know, i wish all real life bullys would just play this, instead of bullying other people
Unfortunately, bullying is going to be a part of real school life forever. Unless if schools start enforcing stricter rules or something, then maybe.
in my country we have this school were you move out and live there, the school is famous for being extremely strict, and for attacking bullying very hard. It is also one of the best schools on the grade front
Hmmm, this is interesting. I was looking at the Bully wiki this morning and saw that there was apparently a clique (student group) that has been cut from the game's early development. They were known as the Punks. If you want to read a little more about them, it's here.
Alright, then you shouldn't have to worry in your case, haha. :P
sadly, i don't go to this school, but the one I'm at is pretty ok
I loved Bully, I can do the things I want to do to people in school.
Oh yeah, I'm sure that was one of the main reasons many people bought the game. Which is totally understandable, of course.
Sorry to jump in, but it sounds like my school - a fight breaks out and they just suspend everybody...
Though we did have some legendary (perhaps literarly) senior pranks. One class let pigs loose in the school, and numbered then 1, 3, and 4. They got caught pretty quick but the cops spent the whole day looking for pig 2.
Ikr. it it so much better to do it Ingame than Bully some poor helpless kid in real life (not that i have tried it)
I mean I can actually beat the shit out of people who are complete dicks, plus the game gets me out of a bad mood.
Fighting all four at once is pretty intense. Just gotta keep tackling them.
Right you are, I forgot there was an actual tackle/charge move. Haha.
Oh haha, the Halloween part is awesome, especially when Gary makes the dog have a crap and then you set it on fire and put it outside the staff room. lol. classic.
Hmm interesting. Would have been cool if they were left in the game.
It's funny how that mission had him stepping on shit, while he ended up being covered in shit way later.
Haha yeah! That prank on Mr Burton with Zoe was hilarious. "I don't remember having corn!" lol
Right, it seems Zoe was the only 'punk' that made it to the final version of the game. (you can even tell by the look of her boots) Maybe she'll be the leader of a rock band chick clique in a sequel, that would be pretty sweet.
That scene makes me smile every time. Plus, the walk back to the academy must have been embarrassing for him. :P
I really liked it
I'd get the game, it would make me look like a complete asshole to the teachers. I'm sure a few take issue with me playing GTA, so this would not fly.