Fables newest issue #144 SPOILERS



  • The curse of the Camelot storyline. Rose is meant to kill Bigby, Snow is meant to kill Brandish when trying to kill Rose, some of those that support Rose are going to die from Bigby's hand (happening).

    zeke10 posted: »


  • "that support Rose are going to die from Bigby's hand "

    so he's gonna kill rose? Wonder how his fight with totenkinder will go

    LukaszB posted: »

    The curse of the Camelot storyline. Rose is meant to kill Bigby, Snow is meant to kill Brandish when trying to kill Rose, some of those that support Rose are going to die from Bigby's hand (happening).

  • edited September 2014

    It is his instinct, or is it his being controlled by Spratt? Because those are two separate things. In the case of the latter, it's indicative that Spratt's control is general rather than localized to an isolated limb, as I stated earlier.

    Earlier you stated that "Bigby ain't being controlled by Spratt." Quite clearly, if Spratt caused Bigby's arm to lunge, and his arm caused the rest of his body to follow suit, then Spratt is controlling Bigby. It's a simple chain of cause and effect.

    LukaszB posted: »

    It makes sense considering Bigby is a wolf. He can't change his instincts on the fly.

  • Rose kills Bigby, despite wanting to change the original Camelot story.

    zeke10 posted: »

    "that support Rose are going to die from Bigby's hand " so he's gonna kill rose? Wonder how his fight with totenkinder will go

  • "Rose kills Bigby,"

    how will she manage that?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Rose kills Bigby, despite wanting to change the original Camelot story.

  • She's controlling one of Bigby's abilities through controlling his arm, but not controlling Bigby completely. Is that more clearer. Ultimately she can't change the fact that Bigby is headed in Snow's direction, which will get her killed by Snow (Snow is already more powerful than her). Ultimately Bigby will get killed again, this time by Rose Red (despite her oath).

    Decatur posted: »

    It is his instinct, or is it his being controlled by Spratt? Because those are two separate things. In the case of the latter, it's indicati

  • We'll find out in issue 145. Snow will be coldly calm, but ultimately planning revenge.

    Also all of the cubs prophecies have been slightly revealed. Blossom will become the pauper, Conner will be a hero bold, and Ghost lives to ages old and is by heaven blest.

    zeke10 posted: »

    "Rose kills Bigby," how will she manage that?

  • isn't bigby supposed to outlive them all? so he'd have to return(again) by the end?

    LukaszB posted: »

    We'll find out in issue 145. Snow will be coldly calm, but ultimately planning revenge. Also all of the cubs prophecies have been slightl

  • I was so angry and sad when I saw that. :(

  • Bigby is meant to die 5 times till he is actually dead. He has only died once or twice, meaning another death won't kill him.

    zeke10 posted: »

    isn't bigby supposed to outlive them all? so he'd have to return(again) by the end?

  • So he'll likely return again? Lol bigby is like a badass kenny from south park

    LukaszB posted: »

    Bigby is meant to die 5 times till he is actually dead. He has only died once or twice, meaning another death won't kill him.

  • He will definitely return, most likely in the last issue.

    zeke10 posted: »

    So he'll likely return again? Lol bigby is like a badass kenny from south park

  • edited September 2014

    Ah ok. How do you think his fight with totenkinder will end?

    LukaszB posted: »

    He will definitely return, most likely in the last issue.

  • I'm not sure, mostly depends on how fast Snow will kill Spratt or steal her ring.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Ah ok. How do you think his fight with totenkinder will end?

  • edited September 2014

    So who would have the advantage till then? Also thx for the answers:)

    LukaszB posted: »

    I'm not sure, mostly depends on how fast Snow will kill Spratt or steal her ring.

  • I can't believe Beast and Ozma are gone. I hope Willingham is not going to clean house and kill off a bunch of major characters.

  • Till than it would be a tie with a minor advantage of Totenkinder since she will be stalling Bigby.

    zeke10 posted: »

    So who would have the advantage till then? Also thx for the answers:)

  • Actually because of Rose Red's choices Bigby will die again in issue 145, Brandish will die helping Rose Red survive Snow's revenge plot in the Homelands. One of the good things will be finding out all of the cubs prophecies. In issue 142 it was mildly indicated that Blossom will be the Pauper.

    KCohere posted: »

    I can't believe Beast and Ozma are gone. I hope Willingham is not going to clean house and kill off a bunch of major characters.

  • You know for a fact he's gonna die next issue?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Actually because of Rose Red's choices Bigby will die again in issue 145, Brandish will die helping Rose Red survive Snow's revenge plot in

  • It's the only time he can, because it's the only way this would make sense: "In the aftermath of Bigby’s battle with Beast, Rose Red and Snow draw their lines in the sand, but it turns out sand is a crappy medium in which to draw anything with clarity. In the meantime, Fables begin leaving for the Homelands – but is it even possible for them to go home again?"

    zeke10 posted: »

    You know for a fact he's gonna die next issue?

  • Ah is rose even powerful enough to kill him? I mean ozma was pretty powerful if i remember and she got stomped so maybe he'll be distracted by snow

    LukaszB posted: »

    It's the only time he can, because it's the only way this would make sense: "In the aftermath of Bigby’s battle with Beast, Rose Red and Sno

  • edited September 2014

    Rose is already more powerful than all of the witches on the 13th floor combined.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Ah is rose even powerful enough to kill him? I mean ozma was pretty powerful if i remember and she got stomped so maybe he'll be distracted by snow

  • edited September 2014

    Don't worry, Bigby will be alive by the end of Fables and I can prove that. In Fables #124 there's an "envision" that shows Lake married to Ambrose and Ambrose says he's going to talk to his father, then Lake responds that it's a good idea since they don't talk often. What worries me is that there's no mention about Snow White and I can't imagine Bigby living without her after being put through all that ordeal.

    zeke10 posted: »

    You know for a fact he's gonna die next issue?

  • Considering Rose will fail at her second chance Camelot, Snow will win her fight against Rose.

  • But what happened to Bigby's son? Did he revive too?

  • No. He waited to talk to Bigby before leaving.

    DeanML posted: »

    But what happened to Bigby's son? Did he revive too?

  • The Beauty/Lamia thing frustrated me since I expected the next issue of Fairest/Fables to show Beauty wondering what the heck happened over the last couple hundred years and who these people claiming to be her husband and kids are. Didn't Lamia kill the original Beauty? I guess magic fixed everything.

    Also...do you think Snow and Red could possibly be Rapunzel's stolen twins?

    TristEv posted: »

    In the "Fairest in All the Land" graphic novel, Snow is actually stabbed through the heart, which fulfills the "fate" that was transferred f

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