PS vita?

IS borderlands 2 on the PS vita any good I don't want to get it on Xbox because my vita needs more games and how much memory is the dlc?


  • PS Vita is for playing Mario or Pacman, not modern games.

  • I've been thinking about getting it too but I'm not sure. It gets mixed reviews, some say it's amazing while others say its just a crappy port.

  • This is the same borderlands,its a good port but the graphics are very bad and that is the only problem

  • did you see the graphics in uncharted golden abbyss (exclusive for psvita)? they are better than in most of modern games

    UnclePete posted: »

    PS Vita is for playing Mario or Pacman, not modern games.

  • Do you have it?

    This is the same borderlands,its a good port but the graphics are very bad and that is the only problem

  • yes,if you played it on pc or consoles for the first 15 minutes your eyes will feel pain because of very bad graphics(comparing with the other versions)but later you will forget about it and enjoy the game.

    Do you have it?

  • Would you recommend it? I've never played it on any other console so the graphics probably wouldn't bother me.

    yes,if you played it on pc or consoles for the first 15 minutes your eyes will feel pain because of very bad graphics(comparing with the other versions)but later you will forget about it and enjoy the game.

  • this game is a shoot and loot style and it can be sometimes very boring when you play it alone(because you have to complete a lot of side quests only to be strong enough to defeat a boss,every time)but if you have a friend,who has this game and the same console,you will have a great time playing a great co-op mode.

    Would you recommend it? I've never played it on any other console so the graphics probably wouldn't bother me.

  • Probably he's basing it off what it is now. Sony's lack of support turned it into a system for games like those. Games like Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush and Killzone Mercenary were awesome though and had awesome visuals, I loved playing them. Way too much hate for the device. I'm glad Telltale shows love for it.

    did you see the graphics in uncharted golden abbyss (exclusive for psvita)? they are better than in most of modern games

  • Well I got my copy coming in the mail and I haven't see any other versions so I should be all right!

    this game is a shoot and loot style and it can be sometimes very boring when you play it alone(because you have to complete a lot of side qu

  • Play danganronpa, persona 4 golden, killzone mercenary, uncharted golden abyss and tell me that.

    UnclePete posted: »

    PS Vita is for playing Mario or Pacman, not modern games.

  • edited October 2014

    Well i don't agree with what was said here - I have Borderlands 1 and 2 on the PC which I enjoy, and also the Vita version. The Vita version looks fantastic on a portable and is more than playable and enjoyable.

    In terms of solo vs group, I completed Borderlands 2 in a group of three and now am playing some of the dlc alone as well as replaying with a new solo character. I find it just as much fun solo as in group - both have pluses and minuses (in group you get more enemies, loot, class interplay but you have little chance to absorb story and quests, solo you can enjoy atmosphere, story etc at your own pace and take all loot).

    Good to enjoy both, but still fantastic solo! Also never had to grind to solo a boss either!

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