Email System; Update: Up and Running

TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
edited October 2014 in Site Support

Update: The Email System is now back up and running. You can now send support question/issue/concern emails to them again.

We are currently experiencing difficulties with our Email System at We are working on resolving the issue, and I will update this thread when I have more information.

In the mean time please create a discussion on the Support Forums for the particular game and platform you are experiencing the issue with, and we will be able to assist you with your particular issue here. (You can find the individual game subforums on the right hand side of the Support Forums webpage.)

If you have any issues that you need to provide private information (Including personal information, or Order ID numbers), we will be able to assist you through Private Messages. (To access/send a private message please click on the Forum Member's name, and click 'Private Discussion' underneath their account details. Example: Click here: @TelltaleMike and click Private Discussion underneath my picture on the left hand side of the page.) There, I will be able to assist you with any issues regarding private information/order issues/account issues privately.

We hope to have the Email System up and running shortly, and I apologize for any difficulties this may cause you.


  • cant get walace and gromit game to instill on my pc say its vista or xp i have windows 7 can it work on my windows 7

  • edited November 2014

    please reply to realy want to be able to play this walace and gromit grand adventure game

  • please me with problom im having

  • i tryed to call tec support say full need help instilling game

  • EvanKEvanK Telltale Alumni

    Wallace and Gromit should be able to install and run on Windows 7. You may need to try installing the game on the admin account, or right clicking on the installer and selecting "run as administrator."

This discussion has been closed.