Video Stuttering and audio looping

I am using a Mac Pro, quad core with 6GB of RAM. i see no reason why it should not run. But I open the game and I start a new chapter and the intro video just stutters and replays the audio and loops. It keeps moving and then stops at the title sequences. But whenever it goes to a pan of city or something it just starts lagging. And then when I actually have control the of the character, it starts lagging like crazy. it's barely playable! Please help!


  • Here is the terminal data from the tool.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Please try starting the game again, and when you see the blank/black screen, please try switching the game to Windowed Mode using the shortcut (Command+F for Mac) and try changing the game's resolution and/or graphics settings to a lower setting, and click Apply. Then try switching back to Full Screen Mode by using the same shortcut, and see if your issue is resolved. Please also make sure that you do not have any programs open and running in the background, that may be taking some processing power from the computer, causing the game to lag.

    vetrus13 posted: »

    Here is the terminal data from the tool.

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