this is the best and I want free stuff plz!?!?!?!?!??!????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NEVER BOUGHT A GAME ON TELLTALE!
Telltale games is having a 5 bucks per game celebration! go to telltale and check out DAAHHHHHHH!!! page for the celebration. All you need to you is get your code and share it with everyone. when each person uses your code, u will get a 1 dollar credit for every code uses. Just tell everyone and you should be on your way. here's my code: 4AX-JM6-D3H-72C. Here's someone else's code: WJ4-L58-MDY-SNK. Remember, help me help you, or vice versa.
I know you guys want us to help sell the games with this $5 coupon thing but with 50% off Sam & Max, Strong Bad on Steam until May 18 it is really going to hurt any potential sales for me and anyone else trying to get store credit
I thought that the point of this promotion was to 'spread the word' of Telltale. Everyone here already knows about Telltale and their delightful games.
This sounds like fun! Can I join in? I'll give you all my lunch money!
253-B7R-9EV-T4W. Let's all go crazy go nuts.
It's funny how when people when someone suddenly changes the subject, at least two idiots follow.
Yes, posting your coupon code on Telltale's forum is a little bit redundant. But hopefully people are posting their codes in other places, too?
I am. Hell, I spamed another forum group that has 1,000+ members. While none of them are really PC Gamers, they are comic book fans, and several of them have heard of Bone, soooooooo....
I posted my code all over the place, but judging from the amount of dollars rolling in [zero], I don't think it's going too well. That's actually too bad, because I planned to use my money to build schools in Africa, or at least buy some food for those who starve. Part of that was supposed to go to the tsunami victims as well ... But looking at things as they are, too bad for them. I did go extra lengths to promote my code, though.
the code if you are blind is:
Go nuts.
Code : PHE-GAV-T76-SRL
Have Fun !
Another coupon here!
That being said, as long as I am posting, my coupon code is:
here is my coupon number : NZJ-8FQ-HW5-MLV
it means you can get any telltale game for $5! :eek:
please use it because it is worth it
thanks so much if you do use it xxx
If you use it I'll give you a hug!
253-B7R-9EV-T4W. Let's all go crazy go nuts.
It's funny how when people when someone suddenly changes the subject, at least two idiots follow.