My fan art \o

edited February 2011 in Sam & Max Comics
Hehe, I love drawing all kinds of fan art, and even Sam and Max haven't got away safely from my hobby. :D

I upload all my drawings on my DeviantArt account, but since there aren't many fans on DA, and I keep getting "cute bunny and a dog! you made the bunny look so evil with those teeth!"-comments.. ( Gah, these people don't know the greatest police couple of all time?! ) So.. yeah. I thought it would be appropriate to show off my artwork here in the forums, as well. :)

I love to draw Max for the most of the time, please excuse the lack of Sam drawings. That doesn't mean that I'd care him any less, though! :D

(larger: )
One of my first S&M drawings, made with colour pencils.
..again one of the early ones.

Now, a few Max pictures:

And, a Sam doodle. :)
..I still need to practice him more. D:

Hope you like them. :D and if any of you are actually members on DA, please, feel free to give some comments on my gallery! :)
( yes, my username is Tulidragon. )


  • edited May 2009
    I'm pretty sure I already told you that your fanart is awesome, but if I didn't, I'm saying it now. Awesome. I really like how you draw them with visible fur.
  • edited May 2009
    Lot better than I could do. Thumbs up ;)
  • edited May 2009
    Shwoo, you're someone I know on DA, then? cause I've never shown up my artwork on here before. :D

    Thanks a lot you both! :)
  • edited May 2009
    Cool stuff. I love the Max pic your avatar is cut from. ^^ Please post more!
  • edited May 2009
    I love all of your drawings! Most of them (if not all) are in my favorites. XD
  • edited May 2009
    I've never really been into deviantArt. I still like the drawings though :D
  • edited May 2009
    These are very good :)
  • edited May 2009
    wow!Amazing work!I'm on DA too...
  • edited June 2009
    Thank you so much again! :D I'm happy to hear that you guys like them.

    Yes, I plan to make some more fan art just as soon as I get some new ideas. I'll surely upload some in this thread once they're out!

    sure, DA has it's cons and flaws (one flaw must be the popularity, you can come across all kinds of members there.. even the ones who steal your stuff. Luckily, I haven't come to meet such people too much, myself. )
    I've been a member for 5 years now, I just can't leave that place anymore. :D *addicted*

    oh Maxlover, what's your account? :)
  • edited June 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    Shwoo, you're someone I know on DA, then? cause I've never shown up my artwork on here before. :D
    Oh yeah, I'm Clanker. I comment on your art sometimes. I'd do it more, but I'm kind of shy.
  • TeaTea
    edited June 2009
    Trica wrote: »

    ohgodthatissaucyithinkijustcamHEY THAT'S SOME REAL FINE ART THERE, YEP - VERY FINE
  • edited June 2009
    Trica wrote: »

    Is there a higher-res scan of this one anywhere? That'd make a nice wallpaper.
  • edited June 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Oh yeah, I'm Clanker. I comment on your art sometimes. I'd do it more, but I'm kind of shy.

    Ah, so it's you! :D

    Hehe, no need to be! I'm always more than happy to receive comments. :) (I still should give a read to your fanfics too.. sorry I've been so slow with that!)

    And again, thanks! Demonfoo, I drew the picture in pretty small canvas even in Photoshop, so the original is about the same size.. I can try and see if I can resize it bigger, though! :) (I'm not a master when it comes to these things, so not sure how good it will look when it's bigger. )

    EDIT: Ah nevermind, seems the original file was bigger after all. :) I uploaded it in Photobucket:

    I hope it will do any good! I'm not sure what kind of monitor you have (I myself don't have a widescreen, so I dunno how it might look in that one) but.. yeah. :)
  • edited June 2009
    Just updating one new drawing!

    I got a brand new set of markers, so I had to test them out. :)
    Yes, it's Max again. :D Because he's fun to draw. And the war hat-idea kinda came from the TV series. Except that he doesn't have a beard on my version.
  • edited June 2009
    the latest one is the best IMO. nice work
  • edited July 2009
    Very impressive artwork! You've done really well capturing Max's "adorable-and-violent-at-the-same-time" personality with your pictures, and the drawings of Sam and really good too!
  • edited July 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    Just updating one new drawing!

    I got a brand new set of markers, so I had to test them out. :)
    Yes, it's Max again. :D Because he's fun to draw. And the war hat-idea kinda came from the TV series. Except that he doesn't have a beard on my version.

    I melted when I saw that. That picture is just ADORABLE.
    I dunno if I saw that one on Deviant Art or not. I've been on vacation so long, I haven't been able to look at all the new Deviations. There were hundreds. o.o
    Anyway, good job!
  • edited July 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    Thank you so much again! :D I'm happy to hear that you guys like them.

    Yes, I plan to make some more fan art just as soon as I get some new ideas. I'll surely upload some in this thread once they're out!

    sure, DA has it's cons and flaws (one flaw must be the popularity, you can come across all kinds of members there.. even the ones who steal your stuff. Luckily, I haven't come to meet such people too much, myself. )
    I've been a member for 5 years now, I just can't leave that place anymore. :D *addicted*

    oh Maxlover, what's your account? :)

    I'm Kiarachu on DA...but I've already fav your account ^_^
  • edited August 2009
    You are really great and very talented.I can't even draw a simple house,i guess i don''t have a talent in drawing,,haha.Anyway,this is a cool work.
  • edited August 2009
    Love the work!
  • edited August 2009
    Wow, amazing! I really love your style. Those Max drawings are gorgeous. :)
  • edited December 2009
    I'm terribly sorry for leaving this thread forgotten.

    I'd just like to say thank you for everyone! :) I'm really happy for all the comments, I never assumed you'd like my art this much!

    I've been out of inspiration lately, so sadly I don't have any new stuff to show you right now (apart from my Halloween contest entry "Pumpkinball Max", which can be seen in Telltale's blog anyway. :D )

    If I get around to do any more art, they will be added in the 'official' fan art thread on S&M discussion forum from now on. But really, much thanks for your attention to this thread, I'm glad that I was able to show my artwork to you guys! Love you! :D
    MaxLover wrote: »
    I'm Kiarachu on DA...but I've already fav your account ^_^

    Ah! Sorry if I haven't said you anything, my message centre is piling up too much these days. D: I'll go and check your account sometime! Thanks!
  • edited February 2011
    I've already seen these on Deviantart, and I've already gushed over them. But some of the art, such as the one where sam has max under his arm, and the one with Max in a military hat.. I never saw those before. Really nice work. ^^

    *oh, and by the way, I'm Cheruphim on Deviantart. 8D
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