I really hope we get some stuff on Angel...

I really want to get some more information on Angel, I'm pretty sure we will get some stuff on her in the Pre-sequel but i would like some from a different characters perspective, Like was Rhys and Angel friends? Did they even know each other? Since Handsome jack was pretty important to Rhys. So would he know about Angel?

I really like Angel, I wish she didn't die....


  • I doubt Rhys knew she existed and she was locked up since she was a child thats really it on her

  • That's quite unlikely I would say... Not many people knew about Angel in the first place and the ones that did were probably killed by Jack for knowing too much. Rhys is just a programmer, I find it highly unlikely that he knew about Angel (even the former Hyperion CEO Tassiter didn't know about Angel and he was Jack's employer). It would be cool to know more though, I agree with you.

  • Part of the tragedy of Angel is that she was alone; she had no friends. In Borderlands 2 she is really distraught at the betrayal because she considered the Vault Hunters her friends.

    She was totally alone. She only ever spoke to Jack and the Vault Hunters. She didn't know Rhys, and she is likely not going to be in the game, sadly.

  • edited October 2014

    I can imagine Angel being friends with Cl4p-tr4p for some reason, other than that, her being friends with anyone else isn't a likely possibility. Poor Angel, she probably would've made a great Vault Hunter. :(

  • Tiny Tina hated that poor girl and then we had to kill her again which made for a very awkward moment. Such a shame too she looked amazing compared to all the ugly npcs in that game.

  • Angel is dead by this point.

  • Only if Jack mentions her....

    I mean, Jack's alive, no? At least in a hologram version???

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