where is everyone?

Awful quiet around here lately... where is everybody?!
I was out of town and away from email for a week and a half. What's your excuse?
Check in and let us know you're still around, and counting the days until Sam & Max comes out!
I was out of town and away from email for a week and a half. What's your excuse?

Check in and let us know you're still around, and counting the days until Sam & Max comes out!
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I think everything has been discussed to death so far.
now let it put it to you in simple english - i've flattered your game, now give some screenshots... and audio samples too!
I had to hire an expensive professional queuer to take my place while I come here to explain this to you. I hope you're proud of yourself now!
Basically, I've been being a geek.
No time for forums. Oh no. Much too busy.
I urge you to get it on DVD or watch it some other way! If you're American, you might think that this is old news since it apparently opened there in January, but it just came to theatres here in Finland.
"What kind of candles are those?"
"Dy-na-mite. Must be italian."
Hey, isn't that from A Christmas Story? "Fra-gi-le. Must be Italian."
I'm too young to know of such movies. But yes, apparently you are right. I think 23 years is long enough to allow a joke to be used a second time.
Speaking of adventure... has anyone played barrow hill? It came out in europe a while back but it caught my eye when I was looking up new releases for this month in NA.
my reason is EA... and Dice...
Battlefield 2 is too addictive... buuuuuut... it seems that Dice knew this... aaand they made the 1.3 patch that limits the strain on EA servers by making games and other servers crash...
...don't you just loooove the largest gaming company around??
pleading, and needing, and bleeding, and breeding, and feeding, exceeding
trying, and lying, defying, denying, crying, and dying