Monkey Island fan dump
Hi guys! Don't know if anyone's still around here but the MI section of Lucas Forums seem to be... well, undead :P Anyhoo, wanted to share this little collection of fan stuff I've made over the past year, in chronological order!
First one contains spoilers for Tales. Aaaand I cringe at the second one which kind of came out of nowhere (If you're in Germany it can be watched with the help of The others I'm happy with.
Monkey Island Mashup Payphone (spoiler warning for Tales)
Elaine's Cannonball (Monkey Island Wrecking Ball Parody) (Sorry about the singing!)
Monkey Island Dibby Sound I know it's short but I really liked how this one turned out!
Cursed (This one I finished yesterday! )
Aaaand that's all I've got so far.
Edit: Ooh, just remembered I wrote a post-Tales one shot too! (Spoilers for Tales though) Deathbed
That's quite an assortment of stuff! Made me smile.
Glad to hear it!
I've got more stuff in the making too! XD