E3 News
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When some important announcement is made at E3, post it here. This will prevent a new thread for ever single announcement! Please don't post wild speculation!

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The first of the games, Gladiator A.D., is exactly what it sounds like; you, as a gladiator, fight other gladiators. It looks to be very gory and full of cringe-inducing finishing moves. I've already seen a screenshot reminiscent of a certain scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail ("'Tis but a scratch!").
The other, a 4-player online coop game similar to Left 4 Dead, is named The Grinder. This fps will have you shooting vampires, werewolves, and other as-of-yet unnamed baddies with 3 other players, either through local multiplayer or online multiplayer. You do have the choice to player single-player, but then the other 3 players are replaced by AI. Wii Speak has been confirmed, but we still don't know whether or nor friend codes are required to talk with teammates. I'm really hoping that High Voltage Software manages to convince Nintendo to let them allow players to talk to other players on their team, even without their friend code, seeing as to how communication would be relevant in a game like this. This seems a bit more likely to happen simply because the game seems like it will bear a Mature rating, and if players are mature enough to own a Mature rated title, they are certainly mature enough to speak with other players, regardless of whether they know them or not.
Hee...haha...HAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! /FatherGrigoriLaugh
If only that were so, good sir... if only that were so...
soo true
I know. That looked so cool,
Waiting patiently for the Pikmin 2 remake for Wii, or pikmin 3 still.
pikmin 2 wii is out.
but Brutal legend for goty09
Excuse me, I need to go to my local Walmart.
well it is in the EU a least no idea about america
I checked wikipedia and it says tba 2009 for North america... another wikipedia fail
Never mind they didnt have it, so maybe wikipedia is right, so I deleted the found it post.
EDIT:wow this thread has gotten off topic a little.
EDIT 2: wow watching E3 and that guy is really good at donkey kong.
Also, Facebook and Twitter on Xbox 360?
EDIT: on the bar thing full of information, they spelled "for" wrong. Just saying
EDIT2: he lost another life on Donkey Kong.
SUPER MARIO GALAXY 2!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:eek::eek::eek::eek:
That's right the galaxys are in turmoile again and this time, Mario teams up with Yoshi. An epic game of epic propotions.
A Wario Ware where you create the microgames yourself, More info on Wii Motion Plus... sortof, the new new Super Mario Bros for Wii, Mario Vs Donkey Kong 3, realease date for 358/2 days, and of course the ultimate game of 2010. see picture below.
Also what is the vitality censor that Nintendo talked about. I couldnt hear what it did, just the name.
I know what you mean, really nintendo should get out of the game system market and just work on exercise equipment, because frankly thier first party games stink, and their third party games are quite lacking.
Source: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/989/989996p1.html
There's a bit more info in it here.