Rhys or Fiona?

Who do you like more out of the duo? I personality like Rhys more because of how ridiculous his character can be.


  • I'd have to go with Rhys, he's just so witty and most of his jokes made me laugh.

  • I thought I was going to like Fiona more, but I actually ended up liking Rhys more (even though Fiona's character is awesome too).

  • Definitely Fiona, she's at least somewhat interesting. Everytime Rhys opens his mouth I want to punch him the face. It doesn't matter what options you choose, he always just sounds like a jackass.

  • Rhys, Fiona is cool but Rhys is more easy to identify with imo, and he's hilarious.

  • I love both characters, but Rhys is the one, I find myself relating to the most.

  • edited November 2014

    Rhys. I can relate dealing with an asshole boss. Fiona is pretty badass to though.

    He also has Loader Bot.


  • edited November 2014

    I actually liked Vaughn the best out of all of them. Bless that man.

    But out of Rhys and Fiona, I've gotta say Rhys. He's so freaking hilarious.

  • I would say Fiona, but Rhys's echo eye adds so much humour that I have to love playing as him more.

  • Fiona.

    More direct and simultaneously less slapstick.

  • Reece. Oops! I meant Rhys. ;D

  • I love both of them. Rhys made me laugh a lot this episode but Fiona's a badass. So I'm gonna go with Fiona.

  • Rhys is such a damn well written character. Say what you will about Troy Baker, but he delivers it each time. SO FUCKING HYPED!

  • Definitely Rhys if you only had those two to pick.

  • I cant decide. I like both.

  • Rhys I actually feel good about picking dickish decisions now.

  • LoaderBot!

    I actually like both of them, but Rhys edges it just because of how hilarious some moments with him are.

    "Scratch your own nuts"

  • Fiona. Rhys is still pretty great, especially when it comes to humour but I'm not much of a fan of bumbling fool types.

  • Fyha? Is that a thing?

  • Rhys, That guy is who I connect with!

  • Rhys he is funny and he reminds me of 80's business guy from Futurama.

    Alt text

  • I like Fiona more but Rhys is funnier, that being said I've never really been good at that corporate bullshit and I'm the kind of guy that tells their boss to shut up and that she is an asshole, I've gotten suspended multiple times because of that, on the other hand when I was younger I was an opportunistic thief and did some scams, as in selling stuff that wasn't valuable for more than it was worth by lying so obviously I relate WAY more to Fiona and since I love me I automatically like her way more than Rhys, Rhys is still good though.

  • edited November 2014

    Without a doubt Fiona for me, as of right now. I like her personality more. She's humorous like Rhys, but in a different way. I like her cleverness. Overall, I would say she is more useful.

  • I love both of them, but Rhys is totally my favorite at the moment. I just think it's so hilarious that this adorable loser wants to be the next Handsome Jack. Yeah, good luck with that kiddo. :P

  • Fiona. Rhys is still trying to follow in Jack's footsteps. Plus, Fiona is voiced by Laura Bailey, so many, many bonus points there.

  • Well first off, both Troy Baker and Laura Bailey did great jobs (even if I'm rather weary of them.)

    As a source of amusement and charm, I have to go with Rhys. His parts were more entertaining. Almost every time I laughed it was because of him. That bit with him trying to take down the guard with Sasha watching was the best moment in the episode for me.

    Although I still prefer Fiona. Her clothes and general look are very appealing. Rhys' look didn't really stand out. (I didn't dislike it, it just doesn't seem like anything special.) Her action scenes felt a lot more absorbing, exciting and tense. Plus, I don't play as female characters that often, so it was a nice change of pace.

    I'll need to play again before I create a longer list, but I feel confident in saying that Rhys and Fiona work quite well together as characters.

  • Fiona honestly feels kinda flat in comparison to Rhys. I do feel like I'm in a lot more control as her, though.

  • Rhys :D He's a loveable funny loser. And his voice actor is so great.

  • I like Rhys more. He's funny and relatable. Also his robot arm and eye are hella cool.

  • I prefer the Rhys POV parts much more than Fiona's because I can relate to him better and I find them more funny. But she is still a pretty cool character.

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