If i buy it on ps4. Will i get the ps3 unlocks?

I have played all the borderlands on ps3. Can i play this on ps4 and still get the unlocks on my ps3 for the pre sequel?


  • I'm wondering about this as well!
    I think it'll still work? If you go into the unlocks it says that you'll need a shift account. So I believe as long as you're still using the same Shift/PSN account for both games, it'll be able to transfer. It'd be nice to have some confirmation, though!

  • I think there is an option in extras, however I'm not sure. I have it on PS4 but I didn't pay attention to that option.

  • That would be my guess. I don't know why they would mention Shift if it wasn't going to be how they track this.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I'm wondering about this as well! I think it'll still work? If you go into the unlocks it says that you'll need a shift account. So I belie

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