
He was willing to give his life for us, and he did in some playthroughs. But we need to return the favor, and save his. We won't let the same thing happen to Nick to Loader Bot.



  • Yes! Anyone who self destructed Loaderbot after he was willing to lay his life for you is one heartless skrub. Also, is it just me or are the "i"'s in your post blue?

  • I think it's just you with the blue i's

    Green613 posted: »

    Yes! Anyone who self destructed Loaderbot after he was willing to lay his life for you is one heartless skrub. Also, is it just me or are the "i"'s in your post blue?

  • That's really weird :P, Google time.

    bloop posted: »

    I think it's just you with the blue i's

  • Every line Loader Bot said had me in hysterics.

    And I NEVER laugh unless I'm around other people.

    Well played, Loader Bot, my new favourite character.

    I wish for Loader Bot to meet Innuendo Bot in a future episode.

  • LoaderBotIsLoveLoaderBotIsLife

    papai46 posted: »


  • #LoaderBotLifeIsImportant

  • Loader Bot approves this thread.

    Alt text

  • Thanks, Loader Bot.

    Alt text

    Pipas posted: »

    Loader Bot approves this thread.

  • I think I have a theory on what the money will be used for. If you collect all the money in the game and don't spend it on anything. When episode 5 comes you should be able to put that money to use and spend it on a Mega LoaderBot. ^_^

  • We should have an army of Loader Bots.

    Green613 posted: »

    I think I have a theory on what the money will be used for. If you collect all the money in the game and don't spend it on anything. When episode 5 comes you should be able to put that money to use and spend it on a Mega LoaderBot. ^_^

  • <-----

    I had to.

  • Alt text

    Good job!

    Pipas posted: »

    <----- I had to.

  • I think he ordered one from Yvette but she didn't give it to him :p

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    if i am not mistaken didn't rhys say that there was a 2nd loader? loader bot confirmed for episode 2

  • if i am not mistaken didn't rhys say that there was a 2nd loader?

    loader bot confirmed for episode 2

  • I have a name for us loyal Loader Bot fans.

    We'll call ourselves the Loaderists

  • Yus

    bloop posted: »

    I have a name for us loyal Loader Bot fans. We'll call ourselves the Loaderists

  • A Loader Bot bump.

    Alt text

  • I chose to evacuate it. I felt sorry for it. I mean, who can resist such a badass bot, right?

  • Yeah, I chose to self-destruct the first loader boat, and near the end - the second one said "You suck" and Rhys fell down the hole or whatever.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    if i am not mistaken didn't rhys say that there was a 2nd loader? loader bot confirmed for episode 2

  • My son is amazing, he is this game's S1 Clem!


  • You self-destructed Loader Bot?!

    Alt text

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Yeah, I chose to self-destruct the first loader boat, and near the end - the second one said "You suck" and Rhys fell down the hole or whatever.

  • edited November 2014

    Alt text

    Made a quick edit for our wonderful lord.

    Sorry about the random lines, I tried to remove them but it didn't work :/

  • hell yeah!

    Green613 posted: »

    I think I have a theory on what the money will be used for. If you collect all the money in the game and don't spend it on anything. When episode 5 comes you should be able to put that money to use and spend it on a Mega LoaderBot. ^_^

  • Alt text

    bloop posted: »

    I have a name for us loyal Loader Bot fans. We'll call ourselves the Loaderists

  • Lol, so do the Bots have some kind of memory about what you do?

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Yeah, I chose to self-destruct the first loader boat, and near the end - the second one said "You suck" and Rhys fell down the hole or whatever.

  • I never die.

    (?) Loaderbot will store this on his memory.

  • Brother?

    Loaderbot posted: »

    I never die. (?) Loaderbot will store this on his memory.

  • Imagine Rhys as a playable pet class
    Action skill: summon Fatality Loader Bot

  • Loader confirmed for season 3.

  • I am a loaderist.

  • I am joining the Loader Bot Religion!

  • I saved it because I saw no benefit to destroying it. Sure letting it die would maybe kill some more bandits but I couldn't see any reason to let it get destroyed (besides acting like a douche).

    Also am I the only one who finds it weird that they call it "Loader Bot"? In Borderlands 2 characters either call the Robots for "Loaders" or "Bots"; NEVER both (and they're called Loaders. "Bots" is only used because it's easier to say)

  • edited November 2014

    Loaderism for life

    I am joining this relligion!

  • I chose for the almighty Loader Bot to evacuate so it would live, hope it works out.


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