Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • 1:30 am? Oh man.

    Get some serious amount of coffee.

    Oh thank God, it's only 1.30am for me - hopefully I won't lose my mind from sleep deprivation like the last one that was on at 5.30am my time!

  • 15:30 for me :D

    Nice 16:30 thats perfect!

  • Fortunately I'm a night owl, it's past midnight now and I'm in my element! The 5.30am one killed me though, because I stupidly decided to stay up - but it was a public holiday so at least I knew I could sleep in.

    Crips posted: »

    1:30 am? Oh man. Get some serious amount of coffee.

  • Also, Imperial Weight System, Month/Day/Year, Fahrenheit and miles.

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    OzzyUK posted: »

    10:30AM EST http://east.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/inside-gearbox-software One thing to note is that the clocks go forward on that day so remeber to check your time zone calculations :P

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    Also, Imperial Weight System, Month/Day/Year, Fahrenheit and miles.

  • tbh I hate the imperial weight/measurement systems cause they don't add up nicely. In school, we mostly used metric measurements, but that was science class and I've been out of school for two years now :,)

    Also, Imperial Weight System, Month/Day/Year, Fahrenheit and miles.

  • Ha, for me too!


    15:30 for me

  • ur Romanian xDDD haii

    Nice 16:30 thats perfect!

  • :D I could but it's such a pain to memorize the time because of the timezones so... I almost never bother to do so if it's not an emergency. Btw, if I got it right I think there will be no news till this weekend anyway, no? I though that's what they said?

    Crips posted: »

    Check this place out during the Panel, forum servers are gonna explode :S

  • That makes three of us.

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    Crips posted: »

    Ha, for me too! highfive

  • i honestly hope you are right, friend

    I'm counting on 2 months. Even after the 4 month gap of Wolf Among Us Ep1 and Ep2 it went on a consistent 2 month release.

  • Uhhh im not Romanian im just in the same time zone...

    ur Romanian xDDD haii

  • I'm close enough...

    Pipas posted: »

    That makes three of us.

  • 15:30 for me too. Hope I manage to get home before it ends..

    Uhhh im not Romanian im just in the same time zone...

  • It's 16:30 for me too :D I hope I won't forget it.. (Damn you shitty memory!!)

    I'm close enough...

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    SoMuchSass posted: »

    It's 16:30 for me too I hope I won't forget it.. (Damn you shitty memory!!)

  • America u so illogical :/

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    Dapnee posted: »

    tbh I hate the imperial weight/measurement systems cause they don't add up nicely. In school, we mostly used metric measurements, but that was science class and I've been out of school for two years now :,)

  • I can't beat the gifmaster so here's a simple kitten high five :DAlt text

  • Hey man gives us a break! We invented the television isn't that enough?

    America u so illogical

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    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I can't beat the gifmaster so here's a simple kitten high five

  • then we ur special :o

    Uhhh im not Romanian im just in the same time zone...

  • Yep, no news until Sunday. But that's ok. I expect a trailer on the panel.

    DeityD posted: »

    I could but it's such a pain to memorize the time because of the timezones so... I almost never bother to do so if it's not an emergency. Bt

  • I have to say your cars make more sense to me than English ones, as in the UK being left-handed and having to learn to steer with your right hand is really irksome >:(

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Hey man gives us a break! We invented the television isn't that enough?

  • Ahh, the famous British cars :D

    I believe only UK has them...Or at least they're most common there. We in Poland have the left-sided cars too.

    I have to say your cars make more sense to me than English ones, as in the UK being left-handed and having to learn to steer with your right hand is really irksome >:(

  • Godamnit it must be so nice to be a left-handed driver in any other country than my own >:((
    So much rage

    Crips posted: »

    Ahh, the famous British cars I believe only UK has them...Or at least they're most common there. We in Poland have the left-sided cars too.

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    America u so illogical

  • edited March 2015

    Calm down scoobs!

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    Godamnit it must be so nice to be a left-handed driver in any other country than my own >:(( So much rage

  • Well, ok, that's true. We also have the driver's seat on the left hand side, and it's better imo

    Might just be because I'm used to it. When we first went to UK, my dad once drove on the right hand side, until a truck almost crashed into us. It was real close, I'm glad my dad has fast reflexes :P

    I have to say your cars make more sense to me than English ones, as in the UK being left-handed and having to learn to steer with your right hand is really irksome >:(

  • You mean there are countries that have driver seats on the right side?

    Well, ok, that's true. We also have the driver's seat on the left hand side, and it's better imo Might just be because I'm used to it. Wh

  • Yup. Great Britain and...


    Great Britain.

    You mean there are countries that have driver seats on the right side?

  • But it's not fair, they have friendly cars :(

    Calm down scoobs!

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    But it's not fair, they have friendly cars

  • To whoever goes to the panel, please have Troy Baker and Laura Bailey voice Rhys and Fiona and have them put some fuel on the shipping. After all these months, we at least deserve something.

  • edited March 2015

    If you go to some poor undeveloped nations there cars of both left and right variant :)

    Crips posted: »

    Yup. Great Britain and... um... Great Britain.

  • edited March 2015

    What film is this from?

  • Cool xD

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    Pipas posted: »

    That makes three of us.

  • ...and Australia, and Japan...

    Crips posted: »

    Yup. Great Britain and... um... Great Britain.

  • I'm really pumped for this panel on Friday, Telltale seems to be hyping it up a bit. Hopefully we hear some exciting news there :D

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited March 2015

    I thought it was Sunday. You know, March 8th.

    Wow, I'm an idiot, I thought it was Sunday. I'm glad it's Friday.

    I'm really pumped for this panel on Friday, Telltale seems to be hyping it up a bit. Hopefully we hear some exciting news there

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