The United Federation of Charles gives it a 10 out 10

Okay, that's just my blog,

But it still does!

Wow, this was just plain AWESOME.

The Review:

I think everyone will love this game.

It's like a hyper-active version of Firefly.


  • "I shall name my first born child loader bot"

    I agree!

  • On my end, I'm both a Borderlands AND Telltale fan and this is a great game for both. I think part of what I like about it is Borderlands is such a funny and zanny world but people don't really get to explore it because it's a shooter. As a result, the game's relatively slower pace means there's a lot more fun to be had in illustrating what a crappy place Pandora is.

    Rhys, Sasha, Vaughn, and Fiona are all great characters with all of them being distinct in their own way too. I found myself really coming to like Rhys/Sasha and it annoys me a little because I was shipping Rhys and Fiona. I like how they're so distinct from typical Telltale protagonists. As nice as you can make Rhys, he's still kind of slimy and fake in that Patrick Bateman sort of way while Fiona seems like a charming person who, still, is perfectly capable of dumping someone out of a speeding transport to their deaths. The characterization is strong, I've got to tell you. I also liked Shade which is amazing because I HATED Shade in Borderlands 2.

    About the only character I hated was Warburton's Vasquez. He was kind of a crap villain.

  • About the only thing I regret is I haven't done a review for long-time Borderlands fans versus newbies.

  • Oh, hey, I'm also Charles. Welcome to the club, bro.

    And I agree with the review.

  • I'm going to bookmark this blog, it's pretty nice.

  • Cool! Thanks, I hope you enjoy. I've long enjoyed blogging about everything geek under the sun.

    I'm going to bookmark this blog, it's pretty nice.

  • I remember looking at your blog before, it was good, although I never bookmarked it till now.

    Cool! Thanks, I hope you enjoy. I've long enjoyed blogging about everything geek under the sun.

  • Is that NCC-1701? Bookmarked.

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