If Fiona is narrating the second half of the story, does that mean...?

...That she knows about Jack (at least by the time the hostage scenes take place)?

I know that it's kind of difficult to tell who's narrating what. I tend to believe that whomever we're controlling is the person who is currently telling the story - but that kind of gets thrown out the window in the third act because we switch perspectives multiple times.

Even if it is technically Rhys narrating that part does anyone else find it unusual that neither Fiona nor the kidnapper interrupted him (as they've both been shown to do) to say, "Wait, what?!"? It makes me think that both of them must already know about Jack's presence by the time those scenes take place.



  • Well I think were seeing more of the story than just the narration, unless Rhys is is telling the story with Fiona.

  • I believe both Rhys and Fiona are narrating the story to their captor. That's where the whole 'unreliable narrator' thing comes in. The first half is seemingly being told by Rhys until he is dragged back to Fiona who tells him to stop lying, the captor then asks her to tell her side.

  • Bump, because apparently I posted this in the middle of the night for most, and really want to hear what people think! :)

  • I think that the person that we are playing as is narrating.

  • didn't understand the part of knowing handsome jack. handsome jack is someone that everyone on pandora knows the existence of.

  • As in, Fiona beeing aware of Jack's AI presence.

    shigad posted: »

    didn't understand the part of knowing handsome jack. handsome jack is someone that everyone on pandora knows the existence of.

  • Yes, exactly this. Apologies if it wasn't clear enough.

    Basically if both the kidnapper and Fiona know that Rhys can (or could at the time of the first flashback) see/communicate with the Jack AI.

    EarthRocker posted: »

    As in, Fiona beeing aware of Jack's AI presence.

  • I think you are right about Fiona and the kidnapper knows about Jack's presence. The fact that Fiona and the kidnapper doesn't interrupt Rhys, there is no doubt what Rhys is saying is true.

    Also the kidnapper knows about the Gortys project and since HJ's AI also knows about it, one can conclude that the kidnapper believes about the Handsome Jack AI.

  • Yep, that was exactly what I was thinking - glad to see I'm not the only one!

    I think you are right about Fiona and the kidnapper knows about Jack's presence. The fact that Fiona and the kidnapper doesn't interrupt Rhy

  • edited December 2014

    Fiona could still say "Wait, what?" in the beginning of episode 2, couldn't she? I only played once a few days ago, but wasn't Jack at the very end? I would guess she does know at that point though, because we'll probably be able to mention the hologram haunting us to the other characters at some point in the next episode. They may not believe us at first, but that can only go on for so long.

    Is the consensus that all 5 episodes are the story we're telling, or that we finish telling the story and play an episode in the present or something?

  • There's ample opportunity at the end for both Fiona and the captor to speak up about it, but they don't appear to.

    I definitely think choosing to tell the others or keep it a secret will come up next episode. Maybe Jack will ask you to keep it to yourself and you can choose to follow his advice or not?

    Nobody knows how the past/present stories will come together, but I think most people are of the opinion that we'll eventually be playing in the present, most likely towards the end of the game.

    Fiona could still say "Wait, what?" in the beginning of episode 2, couldn't she? I only played once a few days ago, but wasn't Jack at the v

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