As a fan of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us is this worth getting?

I really loved both seasons of TW and S1 of TWAU after watching the trailer for Borderlands I admit that I'm a bit sceptical

Is it worth getting? It seems there is much humor in it and a overall lighter tone I don't mind that as long as it doesn't have a terrible story and bland characters like the Borderlands games


  • edited November 2014

    YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES! This was probably single-handedly one of the best episodes I've played from them. The story was interesting for a game in the Borderlands universe, and the characters are very fun, and the humor is hilarious.

  • In my opinion, this is the best season opener Telltale has created.

  • Yes, if you liked those 2 then you'll definitely enjoy this.

  • Of course! Despite it being set in the Borderlands universe (which is awesome btw!) the game is still a TELLTALE GAME. Gearbox even said so.

    I haven't finished the Borderlands games yet but I'm even more determined to play them BC of this game.

  • Yes, 100%, absolutely must get.

  • thanks for the responses guys after reading these positive responses and watching the ign review I will definitely be buying Borderlands
    I actually had that money reserved for Got (fan of the show and books) but I guess telltale will be getting even more money from me
    good days to be a Telltale fan I guess

  • If you like TWD and TWAU then you'll like this too.

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