I like that they gave the bandits more personality in this game

In the other borderlands games the bandits were just crazy Psychos that were constantly attacking you

Yes you still have the crazy one in this game but you also have people like the guy who sold Fiona that mask or guy who was making fun of Rhys after he tried to kill him lol

Even Rudiger the bandit came off more as a guy with a genuine grudge against Hyperion than a mindless killing machine


  • the mask guy wanted to hit vaughn

  • Rudiger is Grease Face, right?

    Because he'll always be Grease Face to me.

  • I don't know if they had any humanity really, but personality, yes. That was great to have compared to the main games, and makes each bandit stand out a bit more, despite the fact that they all look identical.

  • edited November 2014

    he did want to him but he didnt do it

    had vaughn been dealing with bandits from the other borderlands games he would have been killed and they would not have hesitated to hit him lol

    zeke10 posted: »

    the mask guy wanted to hit vaughn

  • I called him Grease Face too so I got the Grease Face smash card. I like that name better than "Rudiger"

    Bokor posted: »

    Rudiger is Grease Face, right? Because he'll always be Grease Face to me.

  • i like bossanova's real voice lol




  • "Life come... life... go...

    .... GO! GO GO GO GOGO!!!!"

  • The bandit who preps the cars was pretty funny.

    "An odd pair.... We got Glasses Face and Hot Lady. Wow, you guys really know how to accessorize."

    And the bandit who was with on the race was awesome too.


  • "Hey, aw Eric is that you?"

  • "No, he doesn't got it. At all." Lol

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    "Hey, aw Eric is that you?"

  • "No man, get back. I got you. So..uh.."

    KCohere posted: »

    "No, he doesn't got it. At all." Lol

  • "No, I got you. Get back man."

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    "No man, get back. I got you. So..uh.."

  • Alt text

    bloop posted: »

    "No, I got you. Get back man."

  • edited November 2014

    Damn i was about to do athread about this, but yeah i love that they have personality, it made me like the bandits even more


    "Sorry, I know this is rude, but I really don't like your face. Not one bit."

  • Yeah, they're human just crazy.

    So, what exactly are Psychos? Like they're humanoid and everything, but I don't really know if they're human. They're just a little too weir

  • So, what exactly are Psychos? Like they're humanoid and everything, but I don't really know if they're human. They're just a little too weird I think. Do they explain this in the original borderlands games? Are they literally just insane people? Until I know for sure I'm going with my headcanon that they are all Nakayama's failed clones of handsome Jack.

  • No idea, sorry.

    Is there any particular reason why they all look exactly the same? Besides the fact that it's easier to model?

  • Is there any particular reason why they all look exactly the same? Besides the fact that it's easier to model?

    Yeah, they're human just crazy.

  • The second one. That's why most of them wear face-concealing masks or helmets.

    Is there any particular reason why they all look exactly the same? Besides the fact that it's easier to model?

  • Hm. I just think it's kind of weird that they're as insane as they are. Like they can't talk about literally anything except meat, death, doom and bicycles.

    dustercrow posted: »

    The second one. That's why most of them wear face-concealing masks or helmets.

  • edited November 2014

    That's what staying too long on Pandora does to you. It's a recurring thing in all of the games that if you didn't start crazy, then Pandora will DRIVE you crazy. Even Shade was probably sane before everyone around him died of dehydration.

    Hm. I just think it's kind of weird that they're as insane as they are. Like they can't talk about literally anything except meat, death, doom and bicycles.

  • Ah I see.

    dustercrow posted: »

    That's what staying too long on Pandora does to you. It's a recurring thing in all of the games that if you didn't start crazy, then Pandora will DRIVE you crazy. Even Shade was probably sane before everyone around him died of dehydration.

  • I believe in the original Borderlands, it's explained the the opening of one of that vaults (I think that's what it was) came with a kind of madness that infected those around it, driving them insane and often causing physical deformities (hence why there are so many midget and Badass psychos). I don't remember the explanation exactly, but it was something like that.

    So, what exactly are Psychos? Like they're humanoid and everything, but I don't really know if they're human. They're just a little too weir

  • This. They were all convicts used as cheap labour by the Dahl Corporation. When they came across alien technology, they started to mutate and go crazy (which is why there are midget psychos and giant psychos).

    They're obsessed with the Vault which is why they have Vault tattoos and the Vault symbol on their masks.

    Bralef posted: »

    I believe in the original Borderlands, it's explained the the opening of one of that vaults (I think that's what it was) came with a kind of

  • I have a theory that something about Pandora drives the natives to madness...either a Vault that has yet to be found, or something about the radios....sometimes they play this weird haunting music in Borderlands 2.

    Hm. I just think it's kind of weird that they're as insane as they are. Like they can't talk about literally anything except meat, death, doom and bicycles.

  • From the Borderland's Wiki:

    "At some point in Pandora's recent past, a discovery was made at the Headstone Mine and hastily covered up. While it has never been fully revealed what was found there, it is known that a Vault key fragment came into the possession of Sledge, a grossly muscled behemoth of a man who later amassed a small army of bandits at Headstone Mine. The discovery at the mine had a surprising effect on many of the convict workers there. Most went crazy and many were physically mutated as well, growing into huge, muscular parodies of humanity, or stunted to dwarf proportions. Many of the "psychos", as they came to be known, donned face masks portraying the object of their collective fixation: an upside down "V" emblem."

    tl;dr they were a large group of convicts, who after a vault-related discovery, went crazy and physically mutated.

    So, what exactly are Psychos? Like they're humanoid and everything, but I don't really know if they're human. They're just a little too weir


    Bralef posted: »

    "PRETEND I'M A GOOD PERSON!" "Sorry, I know this is rude, but I really don't like your face. Not one bit."

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