Wow I had no idea the script was written by someone from Pixar

Writer Stephan Vladimir Bugaj spent 12 years at Pixar and worked on such films as WALL·E (2008), The Incredibles (2004) and Ratatouille

No wonder the humor reminded me a of Pixar's films while i was playing it lol


  • He didn't write it?

    Writers: Pierre Shorette, Adam Hines

  • edited November 2014

    but imdb is claiming he did write it

    along with Adam Hines Matthew Ritter and Justin Sloan

    He didn't write it? Writers: Pierre Shorette, Adam Hines

  • edited November 2014

    The credits prove them wrong. It's possible he was a writer in early production, or he will be for future Episodes. But he didn't write enough to even be listed at additional writing for Episode 1.

    TommyW posted: »

    but imdb is claiming he did write it along with Adam Hines Matthew Ritter and Justin Sloan

  • edited November 2014

    But he didn't write enough to even be listed at additional writing for Episode 1.

    Alt text

    The credits prove them wrong. It's possible he was a writer in early production, or he will be for future Episodes. But he didn't write enough to even be listed at additional writing for Episode 1.

  • The credits prove them wrong

    Dave Fennoy wasn't credited in The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5 credits.

    The credits prove them wrong. It's possible he was a writer in early production, or he will be for future Episodes. But he didn't write enough to even be listed at additional writing for Episode 1.

  • Oh, I missed that. Sorry then. I guess he did write something.

    But he didn't write enough to even be listed at additional writing for Episode 1.

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