Whould you support Gearbox putting Rhy,Fion,and the other tales charactors in Borderlands 3 or DLC

We all know how much Gearbox loves to milk popular borderlands characters just look at how they made claptrap and handsome jack playable characters in the pre sequel.

I have two potential problems with Rhy and Fiona being in the main games

The first issue is that it would be weird playing as a vault hunter and all of a sudden seeing Rhy and Fiona give you quest to go find guns and loot

My second issue is that the writing team will be completely diff rent and can you imagine anthony burch writing dialog for Rhy and Fiona lol


  • As cameos or side characters, I wouldn't mind. Not as playable characters though, they should leave that to Telltale.

  • Let's just see where Tales goes then we can talk about this more.

  • This. there not really badass enough too be classes

    As cameos or side characters, I wouldn't mind. Not as playable characters though, they should leave that to Telltale.

  • I kind of want to see that stun baton in the game.

  • i don't really think they would work as main characters but as side characters maybe it depends how tales ends for all we know we could get a ending where we have to choose whether rhys or fiona lives

  • I hope they at least appear in future Borderlands installments, but I think it'd be awesome if you could play as them, or they were involved in missions!

  • I wouldn't mind them being NPCs in the next Borderlands game, however it really wouldn't make sense to have them as a playable character. In all other Borderlands games you play as an unstoppable badass killing bandits left and right, I really can't imagine Rhys or Fiona doing that.

    If they do end up as NPCs, they probably won't have much dialogue anyway, so I don't think it will really matter who writes that dialogue. In a Borderlands game, the interaction with other characters is not the main priority of the game.

  • I'm good, I don't want Anthony Burch to touch the precious.

  • He does great with characters

    Churned posted: »

    I'm good, I don't want Anthony Burch to touch the precious.

  • Look, I do know many people hate on him. But I really liked the stories of BL 2 and TPS. So I wouldn't have a problem with it. He's the one who gave the Borderlands series that push that gave it a universe worth giving a shit about.

    Churned posted: »

    I'm good, I don't want Anthony Burch to touch the precious.

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