I Like Where this is going

So i finally played it and I gotta say that...I love it. It's a very entertaining experience.

Having not really been a big fan of Bordrlands, I wasn't sure what to expect.

I loved the dynamic of switching from Rhys to Fiona and making Fiona talk like one of the Psychos. Just hilarious. The fluidity of how they handled switching protagonists looks great for Game of Thrones.

My favorite is Fiona, she's just great allthough I swear I've heard her voice somewhere else.

I also enjoyed how long the episode was. Looks like the 90 min limit is gone!

All in all, this was a great first episode and I can't wait for more.


  • Fionas VA is Laura Bailey, she voiced Aunty Greenleaf and Racheal in TWAU.

  • Damn beat me to it. XD She's a great VA. One of her more well known roles was for Maka in Soul Eater

    Green613 posted: »

    Fionas VA is Laura Bailey, she voiced Aunty Greenleaf and Racheal in TWAU.

  • I know her mainly for kid Trunks in DBZ that's the only real thing I knew she VA'd for before TWAU.

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    Damn beat me to it. XD She's a great VA. One of her more well known roles was for Maka in Soul Eater

  • edited November 2014

    She also voiced The female protagonist in P3P, Rise in Persona 4, Fetch in Infamous, and Serana in Elder scrolls skyrim: Dawnguard. Hell she's voiced in pretty much every recent video games lol. She is hella talented. Her and Troy Baker are the best voice actors in the gaming industry right now in my opinion. So it's pretty impressive telltale got them.

    Green613 posted: »

    Fionas VA is Laura Bailey, she voiced Aunty Greenleaf and Racheal in TWAU.

  • Oh yeah I forgot about Serana in Skyrim's Dawnguard DLC!

    She also voiced The female protagonist in P3P, Rise in Persona 4, Fetch in Infamous, and Serana in Elder scrolls skyrim: Dawnguard. Hell she

  • I think half the fun in playing a telltale game is recognizing the voices from other Telltale games ;3

    Green613 posted: »

    Fionas VA is Laura Bailey, she voiced Aunty Greenleaf and Racheal in TWAU.

  • I was like WHAT when I found out she was kid trunks...

    Green613 posted: »

    I know her mainly for kid Trunks in DBZ that's the only real thing I knew she VA'd for before TWAU.

  • That is pretty fun. A lot of TWAU cast was brought back from TWD Season 1, or was also in Season 2.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think half the fun in playing a telltale game is recognizing the voices from other Telltale games ;3

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