Yeah that ending caught me off guard. Loved it as well. I was just discussing with my friend how the Walking Dead mid-season finale, and she expressed shock with that ending. This was devilish and I loved those last few moments. Can't wait to make my friend play this game and see the look on her face.
One thing for sure it was very canon. Kill off a point of view character in the first act.
Yeah that ending caught me off guard. Loved it as well. I was just discussing with my friend how the Walking Dead mid-season finale, and she expressed shock with that ending. This was devilish and I loved those last few moments. Can't wait to make my friend play this game and see the look on her face.
well thats game of throne for ya
Proud George R.R Martin must be
yeah I just finished try playing passive and outcome was the same its a sad day to be a Forrester

Here's my exact facial reaction to the ending