For somebody who has never watched/know anything about GoT

I haven't watch game of thrones. I don't know almost anything. Just really, reaally small details about it. I don't even know the plot/story of this series. Do you think I'll enjoy this game? Is it worth buying? Are there a lot of references from the show?
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Well IMO i wouldn't have liked the game at all if i hadn't watched the series because the only thing i found great are the characters from series. Though that is just mu opinion.
The first scene is a major show spoiler. So if you intend to ever watch GoT, I would NOT play the game first.
You might have a hard time getting invested in the game since it starts off at a pretty critical point in the book series/show, so you might not know how to "best" react. By the time the game starts, there's already been some pretty major things that have happened in the series. There are definitely some things that the characters in the game would already know, but you as the player wouldn't (and there isn't a way in the game to get caught up on everything that's happened up to the point of the start of the game) since you're not familiar with the storyline. So there's a good possibility that you'd be confused.
It will be infinitely more interesting to play the game after you've watched the series. This game doesn't waste much time introducing the setting or the characters already established in the show- it just hops straight into it, assuming you know the universe you're in. I mean, sure, it's probably possible to enjoy the game on it's own, just as any Telltale game, because the player characters and all the characters in the Forrester household are original ones- but I'd still recommend catching up with the show first. It will make for far, far less confusion and you're bound to be more invested in what's happening from the get-go. Not to mention that the game absolutely nails the characters from the show, so it would be more fun to get to know those first.
Well judging by the answers I probably won't buy it yet.
I haven't watched the series at all and I'm waiting for this game to come out on PS4, I hope the game explains a bit.
It doesn't.
I haven't watched the show either, and I manly had difficulty in following the politics of the world. I didn't really know who was trustworthy and who was downright evil, so when I had to pick allegiances I was shooting in the dark.
Other than that it was an accessible game. It makes me want to watch the show so take that for what it's worth.
I disagree with the people above. I think you can play the game without having read or watched game of thrones. The locations like King's landing (the capital of the kingdom), the north (a territory within the kingdom with a king appointed sub-ruler the warden of the north), the wall (a wall built in the far north to protected the kingdom. staffed primarily by bastards and criminals) don't get fully explained by that's really it.
Everyone's talking about how you need all the back story, but you really don't. The entire back-story you need to understand this game can be summed up in two sentences.
The Starks, the current wardens of the north, are marching against the king; on their way south they stops at House Frey for a wedding between their two houses. House Frey invites their friends, house Bolton to the wedding...
The game tells you everything else.