So this time around, can we have choices that actually effect things?

I mean, it doesn't need to radically alter everything. I know how much extra time and money that would involve. But I'd like to at least see a return to Season 1 TWD levels of change: the same stuff happens, but your relationships with people can change depending on how you treat them as opposed to them forgetting about you treating them like shit by the time the next episode rolls around, or a character you decided to save doesn't just become an irrelevant mute who is unceremoniously disposed of at the next available opportunity.

I'm just really hoping Telltale has learned the lesson of TWD Season 2.


  • Hopefully, dosnt have to be massive but some, more things like that squire, sure he likely would have died anyway but we are left thinking

  • SInce the story takes place in the "background" of the larger Thrones story, none of the choices you make will have significant impact. That's the big difference between Borderlands/Walking Dead and Thrones. Borderlands has a setting that isn't all that defined so most anything could be made to fit. Walking Dead was set independent of the television show and can fit anything as long as they stay true to the general theme. But Thrones? Ramsay can't be really hurt, Cersei can't be significantly impacted, the situation on the Wall can't change all that much.

    Those issues could have been limited if TellTale chose to make such big characters more peripheral, but instead they made them front and center, going so far as to make Ramsay arguably the primary antagonist so far.

    So, with this series you may watch a decent story, but your choices will have little real impact.

  • It would be nice for the Telltale memory notifications to be more than a running joke.

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