Who thinks that the game is better than the show

So far....... I think this game is better than the show because the first episode was an amazing experience. I loved the action, suspense, and also, the ending! Would love to see what Telltale would do next!


  • I certainly do, but then again, I absolutely detest the show so the game being better was not a hard feat to accomplish. In all honestly, I liked the game more than I thought I was going to, considering it is Game of Thrones, but it wasn't that bad.

  • I expected it would be good, I just didn't think I could expect it to be "great" in the same light as their other work. I'm glad I was wrong. The producers on the network HBO have a demographic they target, and they always jump for their audience, but the show is bigger than them, and on some level they realize that they can only push blood and sex so much when they have the author of the work theirs is derivative of on board and calling shots. With Telltale, we don't have to worry about that, so invariably, the story in the adventure game is flows steadier and is better polished than the show aimed at people paying for the channel it's on because there's more gore and tasteful erotic scenes in its programs.

  • I love both the game and the show, but I think as you need to make your own decisions in the game, it feels more personal and comparatively more intense than you just watching the show.
    And also the wait between episodes is way longer than the show, thus the suspense increases :b

  • edited December 2014

    Isnt that a bit premature? One episode of the game compared to 4 seasons of the tv show?

  • One episode and it's better than the show xD good one. Listen I love this game in fact just judging from the first episode it might be my favorite TTG and my favorite game I played in a while. But, in no way is it better than the show right now. The show is some of the best television put on tv. Now ask me again after all the episodes are out then I might think differently.

  • Personally I trust Telltale after what I've seen them do with Walking Dead and Fables. They'll make each of the episodes a winner.

    KCohere posted: »

    Isnt that a bit premature? One episode of the game compared to 4 seasons of the tv show?

  • Way too early to tell, but then again I'm still on the first season of the show (almost on the fourth book though).

    Brings up an interesting topic though. Its likely this could be the next TWD from Telltale - multiple seasons, and pretty well known like the books and show whenever the name Game of Thrones is brought up.

    Nevertheless, way too early to tell. Ask me again up ep.5 or ep.6 rolls around.

  • Well, this episode got me more invested in the game than the first season got me invested in the TV show.

    KCohere posted: »

    Isnt that a bit premature? One episode of the game compared to 4 seasons of the tv show?

  • You would have to be the biggest TTG fanboy/girl ever, to even attempt to put this game on the shows level.

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