Is there any way...

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

... for Ethan to survive the episode? Ramsay kills you because you speak out against him taking his sister, if you choose to stay silent, does he still kill you?


  • No, Ramsey just says hes wise instead of brave and kills him, which honestly dosnt make much sense but I think Ethan's death sets up the series and the events that follow so it has to happen; I think ep 1 is essentially more of a set up episode

  • It doesn't have to make sense, he is Ramsay Snow. And anyway as someone mentioned in some other thread I think Ramsay was probably just doing what Roose had ordered him to do, so Ethan's death was decided long ago.

    No, Ramsey just says hes wise instead of brave and kills him, which honestly dosnt make much sense but I think Ethan's death sets up the series and the events that follow so it has to happen; I think ep 1 is essentially more of a set up episode

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