So how did your negotiations turn out? *spoilers*

Well, you were right about one thing, the negotiations were short.

Oddly enough, I thought they turned out pretty well.

They left my Foresters with half of their Ironwood instead of giving it all to the Whitehills.

And "only" killed the Lord of the family.

By Bolton standards, that's actually pretty merciful and gives the chance for the family to recover.


  • Well, I got the same. I don't know if there's another result tbh...

  • I really hope Asher comes back and feeds Ramsay and whitehills their own backsides.

  • I feel like Ramsay and I have reached a good point in the negotiations. I still have some contractual disagreements with the Whitehills, but I think that we should be able to sit down and really hammer out our issues in future arbitration sessions. I am hoping to have Asher really take an ax to the red tape, and help cut through my disagreements with the Whitehill's terms. I believe by Summer, we could be ready to bury our differences.

  • There's an option where Ramsay gives all the Ironwoods to the Whitehalls? How do you accomplish that?

  • Ramsey obviously isn't going to die as he still prevails in so many other episodes of Game of Thrones but if it were possible I would take his toy away.... Luckily there are still whitehill's to chop up...

  • I think it went well for me, Cersei was pleased with what I said (she could not quite make out what I was, and Margaery said she was pleased), Tyrion helped me, I kept the coal boy at bay but did not cut him off entirely, the family kept half of the wood.

    The only bad thing was that I insisted on speaking to Margaery alone, and that either hurt my 'friend's' feelings, or ruined my 'friend's' plans... so I guess it might be a good thing lol.

    I don't know what effect sparing the Bolton soldier had, or if it will have any in the future.

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