IPAD Version "Enhanced" Screen Shots... REFUND PLEASE!

This is so disappointing, I cant believe tell tale would do this. The IOS version of the game looks like crap, honestly it looks so bad, like an old PC game running on an even older PC on the lowest settings. Yeah I understand refund policies of games, I want to get the game on the PC where it should look better. The reason why I am upset is because I was skeptical about it, but the App store screen shots looked amazing. Well they're fake, they've been brushed over to make the game look a thousand times better than it does. I have a brand new IPAD Air 2 so its not an old IPAD, I am so disappointed about these "enhanced" screen shots, I thought more of Telltale. On top of the poor graphics it has FPS issues, frame rates drop all the time.

What a mess... Refund Please!


  • edited December 2014

    I'm pretty sure the screenshots that they put there are the same they put for every platform I'd have to check though, and you really expected it to look like that on an Ipad?

    EDIT: Yeah the screens are the same they put for every platform.

  • I expected it to look like the screenshots yes. Using the same screenshots for all platforms is fine, if they all perform the same. Have you seen Vainglory on the IPad? It looks amazing, not comparing games, but when it comes the quality of the product, if you display a screenshot it should be accurate. Weren't the makers of that awful AVP game sued over enhancing screen shots?

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure the screenshots that they put there are the same they put for every platform I'd have to check though, and you really expected it to look like that on an Ipad? EDIT: Yeah the screens are the same they put for every platform.

  • Weren't the makers of that awful AVP game sued over enhancing screen shots?

    I dunno, as I haven't heard of that. Also I don't really do IOS games so I really wouldn't know what the Ipad is capable of either. So I guess I have no room to talk about this :P Maybe contact Telltale through E-mail or on the support section since I doubt they're going to respond to this, I also highly doubt they'll even give you a refund for graphics :p

    Leonir406 posted: »

    I expected it to look like the screenshots yes. Using the same screenshots for all platforms is fine, if they all perform the same. Have you

  • edited December 2014

    I too was dissatisfied with the graphics on the iPad. I was glad to finally play the game and I love the story, but this is an unacceptable screenshot from my iPad:

    Alt text

    EDIT: I would really like a TT staff member to comment on this. I don't think there's anything wrong with a short discussion on why the graphics look like this on an iPad

  • I agree man, I was really upset yesterday but I am a lot calmer now. Does anyone at Telltale care to comment? This is so disappointing, I played almost every telltale games up to know, didn't expect this.

    beguiler posted: »

    I too was dissatisfied with the graphics on the iPad. I was glad to finally play the game and I love the story, but this is an unacceptable

  • edited December 2014

    Telltale games makes PC/MAC games. This is no secret. The graphics have always been better then the IOS/console ports.

  • Unlike Steam and other marketplaces, it is actually VERY EASY to get a refund on iOS. I've got multiple refunds in the past. Just check the email receipt that you got, click on the "report" link or something, and file in a quick comment. The refund will be given near instantaneously. The same applies for Android.

  • What device are you playing it on? Part of the reason is because TT has moved on to a different artstyle for GoT. Even on PC, it does seem to be a tad more graphically intensive. Which iPad are you referring to?

    beguiler posted: »

    I too was dissatisfied with the graphics on the iPad. I was glad to finally play the game and I love the story, but this is an unacceptable

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