Asher, Rodrik and an Intriguing Future.



  • I love this idea! Is her name Gwyn? I can't remember if they ever said

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Maybe his own daughter will kill Lord Whitehill. Imagine this: Asher fights against Whitehill and nearly dies and then Gwyn Whitehill kills her own father. Would be funny way to die for that fat bastard - died by the hands of his girl.

  • Yep - Here is Ashers background:

    Asher Forrester, the exiled second-born son of Lord Gregor Forrester, had always been a rebellious youth – brawling in taverns, sleeping with whores, and finding ways to raise his father’s ire. But his life took a dark turn when, at age seventeen, he fell in love with Gwyn Whitehill, the eldest daughter of his father’s bitter rival.

    Bloodshed ensued and Lord Forrester faced a grim choice: go to war, or exile Asher across the Narrow Sea. He chose the latter. Asher remains in Essos to this day, living as a sellsword, trying not to think about the life he left behind.

    beguiler posted: »

    I love this idea! Is her name Gwyn? I can't remember if they ever said

  • Alt text you have a point. Before, there was just this general 'He's alive because we want it!' thing. But now, the interesting part is

  • Alt text

    Cyber-Funk posted: »

    Your use of GIFS are fantastic

  • Other argument to consider... In regards of saving or not Bowen the Squire: It's one of the major choices in the episode... A more relevant choice than to kill or not the Whitehill thug or anything really... That would be, it's like Aegon and Dany...

  • edited December 2014


    Credit to @beguiler

  • Well, I think there's no denying it's the same model. The question is whether it's a placeholder or not.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Credit to @beguiler

  • edited December 2014

    I am greatly on the side of Rodrik being alive. The silhouette is clearly Rodrik, as shown by the picture I posted above.

    Vivec a.k.a Boatmaster managed to actually find out the Episode Titles, and Episdoe 2 is called "The Lost Lords". Asher and Rodrik.

    It would make the choice to save Bowen actually meaningful, because if Rodrik, Norren, and Bowen were captured, then maybe Bowen being alive would help Rodrik escape, though I've no doubts he'd die escaping, and not appear in any further episodes, but still.

    And, I'm not sure if this is spoilery or anything, but be warned:

    Vivec also managed to find unused lines of dialogue for the previews of next episode, one if Lady Elissa saying something along the lines of "what have they done to you?" This would make sense applying it to Rodrik, if you look at his face after the horse falls on him, it is seriously fucked up.

    Also, with us knowing nothing about him, it makes sense that he'd work as the 5th protagonist, he's a blank slate.

  • I made a post below as to the other reasons why I think it's Rodrik, and also, the Asher silhouette model wasn't placeholder, so....

    That1Guy posted: »

    Well, I think there's no denying it's the same model. The question is whether it's a placeholder or not.

  • Glad you also believe in my shadow theory, but could you not say "my picture above"

    You got this from my post in the original Fifth Protagonist thread. Not sure if you meant to take credit or if it just came across that way to me? If not sorry

    I decided to do a little Rodrik mock up too. Look at the shadow's hair

    Alt text

    Posted Dec 3 at 12:00pm

    I wish the MODs would stop double thread posting on this forum...It gets pretty out of hand the amount of redundant thread topics and people coming to a conclusion and posting after it has already been speculated and discussed

    Zyphon posted: »

    I am greatly on the side of Rodrik being alive. The silhouette is clearly Rodrik, as shown by the picture I posted above. Vivec a.k.a Boa

  • I didn't know it was yours, either way, I wasn't taking credit. Someone else posted it on an entirely different site without crediting you, I assumed it was theirs, but either way, "my picture" wasn't my meaning, it's just was I typed, without thinking, only meaning to point out that I posted it above.

    beguiler posted: »

    Glad you also believe in my shadow theory, but could you not say "my picture above" You got this from my post in the original Fifth Prota

  • All is good! If you don't mind me asking, which site did you find it on? I'm
    curious to see where it ended up

    Zyphon posted: »

    I didn't know it was yours, either way, I wasn't taking credit. Someone else posted it on an entirely different site without crediting you,

  • Wait, they changed a plot beat in TWAU because of fan speculation? Did they admit that? What did they change?

    In either case it's not a bad idea, I thought the silhouette looked pretty similar. But it's kind of a stretch in universe, them taking so few prisoners, him walking off a horse crashing. And from a meta perspective the fact that he didn't have any lines seems pretty damning for him having a VA. Though honestly, if he shows in 3 episodes, they honestly may not have cast him yet.

    So I dunno, could be, but I'd bet on something else. The silhouette could be anyone with longish hair. Malcolm for example isn't far off that image.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    If we look more into this they change the story like they did with TWAU episode 2 and we will have to wait 3 months again.

  • Bumping this because there are still nonbelievers out there that clearly haven't seen this thread.

  • You clearly weren't here during the wait for Smoke and Mirrors...

    n00b_f00 posted: »

    Wait, they changed a plot beat in TWAU because of fan speculation? Did they admit that? What did they change? In either case it's not a b

  • Malcolm is the 5th protagonist. Look more attentive on that shadow!! Rodrik is dead m8.

  • he could easily still be alive, but not for the stupid reason youve posted

  • The idea of bringing Rodrik back from the dead takes away from Ethan's death, in my opinion.

  • You meant to say we already have Asher for that, right? Gared is more tactical and with less prowess. Asher is a mercenary which means he would already be dead if he didn't have prowess in swordplay.

    It's entirely possible he's crippled by the horse falling on him. Which would totally throw players thoughts he's going to be some sort of badass warrior. We already have Gared for that.

  • edited December 2014

    If they bring Rodrik back alive then I am seriously done because that would be ridiculous. The only way I will be fine with it is if the Brotherhood without banners save him or he is badly injured. (Ex: broken legs, broken ribs, spine injuries, etc)

    Bumping this because there are still nonbelievers out there that clearly haven't seen this thread.

  • DUDE Rodrick Stoneheart would be some BOMBASS shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If they bring Rodrik back alive then I am seriously done because that would be ridiculous. The only way I will be fine with it is if the Br

  • Hmm very aggressive.

    K0t0 posted: »

    he could easily still be alive, but not for the stupid reason youve posted

  • How so? Just curious is all.

    Belan posted: »

    The idea of bringing Rodrik back from the dead takes away from Ethan's death, in my opinion.

  • But Malcom is with Asher in many playthroughs and Asher is already a PC so why do we need two in the same area? Also it would be very difficult to have a PC that could possibly be in two different areas.

    Talibak posted: »

    Malcolm is the 5th protagonist. Look more attentive on that shadow!! Rodrik is dead m8.

  • edited December 2014

    The House would have been lord-less for awhile (would Lady Forrester have taken charge?), keeping the atmosphere of Ethan's death more alive. There would be more tension if Rodrik were not to return. His return would ease that tension, and personally I think it would totally take away from the atmosphere created at the end of Episode One.

    Churned posted: »

    How so? Just curious is all.

  • While yes that may relieve that tension I think it creates a great opportunity to have Rodrik return home to a power vaccum with barely any family left and going Super Saiyan.

    Belan posted: »

    The House would have been lord-less for awhile (would Lady Forrester have taken charge?), keeping the atmosphere of Ethan's death more alive

  • Oh I remember that show, even through the episodes won't true to the books, it was great show for kids in the 90's. pretty it got cancelled

    Churned posted: »

    R=L... Stine?

  • edited December 2014

    Alt text

    It's a shame we can't start threads with polls. I would make one over this in an instant.

    But I'm not Jon Snow :P In all honesty though, I don't think Rodrik is coming back.

  • No I wasn't. That's why I asked what they changed. When I looked around I saw people saying that scenes were happening in slightly different places, like the beast fight happening in the alley, and that there were missing scenes, many of which showed in some form in later episodes.

    I don't see anything to suggest they redid the plotline of the season, only enough to suggest they hit a production snag for whatever reason. Is there any other stuff I'm missing, a smoking gun about the killer? I sorta wondered why they had the mundie cop plot beat, and they were being recorded, and then they ignored the camera, and it never came up. Like does magic affect cameras? If magic affected the camera, why was the plot line even there?

    You clearly weren't here during the wait for Smoke and Mirrors...

  • Assuming Rodrik survives I don't think there will be a power struggle with Asher. I think in that case it would be Rodrik as the final protagonist, with Asher killed off in an earlier episode.

    Whether or not Rodrik survives I don't think Asher is going to make it. He sounds like he's cut from a similar cloth as Royland. He sounds like the type to immediately go charging into a fight, which isn't always the smartest option. On that note, I think he'll eventually lose 'the Game.'

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