Gared Tuttle is the Seven's chew toy

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

I know it gets overshadowed by what happened with Ethan but just think about what happens during all of his scenes.

  • He is about to be Knighted, only for the Red Wedding to happen.
  • He loses his surrogate father/father figure/liege lord as well as whatever friendship he had with Rodrick. Possibly Bowen too (though, that's no great loss given how Bowen treated him).
  • Gared proceeds to return home to find his family has been murdered by the Boltons/Whitehills.
  • He avenges their deaths, possibly sparing one, only for the guiltiest to escape.
  • He's stabbed in the leg in the process and almost loses his leg due to the Maester's scalpel-happiness.
  • He's sent to the Wall before he has a chance to talk to Ethan or say goodbye to most of his adoptive family.
  • On the way there, he finds out the new Lord going to visit his family is homicidal psychopath/torture enthusiast.

Sweet Seven.

What does the universe have against him?

It's funny, too, because you wouldn't think of it to look at him but he's pretty damn badass. He's got a kill count of at least two and took on three armed men at once, which is awesome in Westeros.

One of which he beat with farm implements.


  • It's doubly tragic because I also think Talia was crushing on him. Give her a few years and it would have been a good match for him too.

  • Maggots are eating his leg. Eight.

  • The use of maggots to get rid of dead tissue and stave off gangrene is an historically accurate and somewhat effective method.

    I think people don't realize how easy it is to lose a leg, even from just a stab, in an era without antiseptics, sterile bandages and, oh yeah, understanding of the germ theory of disease. ;)

    Butt-head posted: »

    Maggots are eating his leg. Eight.

  • Knight is a title exclusive to the faith of the seven, and gared and his lord worship the old gods. Nobody from the North except the Manderlys are knights because of that. He was to be promoted to a fighter instead of a squire.

  • i didnt care for bowen? he really annoyed me with his attitude! is he his bestfriend? then i'll feel guilty. only then i'll regret not saving him

  • Bowen too (though, that's no great loss given how Bowen treated him).

    Eh, we can't judge that from a three minute conversation. They seemed to be on good terms, and they've probably known each other for a while, I've seen a few friends talk trash to each other, especially when the other is frustrated, like Bowen being frustrated at the prospect of being a squire for the rest of his life.

    Though, we also don't know whether or not they are friends, unless you count Bowen's "I'm saying this as a friend." It could go either way on how close they were.

  • Everybody Hates Chri.... Gared!

  • edited December 2014


  • and now he's going to Take the Black and can never marry!

    It's doubly tragic because I also think Talia was crushing on him. Give her a few years and it would have been a good match for him too.

  • Gared's gonna have fun on the Wall lmao

  • Also, he lost his horse on the way to the Wall. Sure he's gone through much worse much worst lately, but seriously, going all the way to the Wall on foot? Doesn't sound so good.

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