I just rewatched the play through and came up with some predictions

Well I know I said I'm not a fan of this game, but after rewatching the episode I agreed to buy it for the family. And don't believe the fanboys when they said you won't understand anything.

Well all I was able to figure out was, that Asher guy will replace Ethan because Lady Forrester mentioned he was strong and war like so she'll choose him since she's the mother. Duncan and Sey will be jealous but have to agree with her terms.

Asher will come back and make a new plan to defeat Ramsey. Now when Gared gets to the wall he meets that black haired guy from the watch men and joins the ranks. You'll have to convince him that you're not a criminal and prove your worth.

Depending what you did to Sera, she will either try to get you in trouble or snitch on you after evdropping another conversation from you and the coal boy. Meygary will be upset and want to know what's going on. Cersia and Tyrion will find out about the coal boys help and she'll get in trouble. Sera will become jealous and you'll have to put her down with the sword she was holding.

The black haired guy will help find Ramesy and let you join the ranks. Asher's men will side with the watchmen.

That's all I know from watching it twice and studying the trailer. And no I didn't read the book okay?


  • You may be right.

    Though, the black-haired guy is Jon Snow.

    He's basically one of the two major protagonists from the show.

  • oh I see.

    You may be right. Though, the black-haired guy is Jon Snow. He's basically one of the two major protagonists from the show.

  • I doubt we will see Asher coming back to Ironrath and/or taking Eithan's place in Ep2. First, seeking Asher's help is determinant, and second, his character was placed in Essos purposely, probably to let the player see Deanerys and her army.

  • Jon Snow volunteered for the wall, he wasn't a criminal, he wont have to "prove himself" to join at all, The Wall is made from criminals and voulnteers... so he'd just have to go with that.

  • He was talking about Gared.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Jon Snow volunteered for the wall, he wasn't a criminal, he wont have to "prove himself" to join at all, The Wall is made from criminals and voulnteers... so he'd just have to go with that.

  • edited December 2014

    defeat Ramsey

    defeat ramsey not gonna happen why? because he is going to be defeated in the main series most likely

    they might try to stop whatever he is doing to he house? yes but not completely

    The black haired guy

    are you talking about jon snow?

  • As was I. I was merely stating that not only criminals end up at the wall, so Gared has nothing to prove.

    fallandir posted: »

    He was talking about Gared.

  • SPOILER ---- Mira will discover that Margaery is Reptilian, an alien who took on human form and wants to rule the world. Handmaiden, together with coal boy, will reveal alien conspiracy. King Joffrey will be very pleased and he'll help House Forrester. ---- SPOILER.

  • edited December 2014

    We wont see Daenerys in the game unless some character goes to Astapor or Meereen where she is during seasons 3-4 and probably most of the season 5.

    fallandir posted: »

    I doubt we will see Asher coming back to Ironrath and/or taking Eithan's place in Ep2. First, seeking Asher's help is determinant, and second, his character was placed in Essos purposely, probably to let the player see Deanerys and her army.

  • Asher, Malcolm. Why Asher would be placed in Essos anyway? Also, Daenerys and her dragon are on the episodes thumbnails, along with her quote. High probability she might appear.

  • Yeah much of that is very unlikely. The 'black haired guy' though he is a main character is not in a leadership position in the nights watch. It is not his concern how much of a criminal you are nor is it his place to help you. In fact the nights watch doesn't care if you're a criminal they take in murderers and rapists all they care about is whether you stick to your vows. Which brings me to my next point. The night's watch takes no part in the affairs of the realm. They will not help house Forrester and will certainly not help Asher. Their concern is what is happening north of the wall.

    When it comes to the tone the story of the bad-ass brother returning from exile to kill the evil villain and redeem himself just isn't the way game of thrones goes.

  • Apparently Asher shows up in Episode 2 whether you send for him or not. If he is the kind of person who would exile himself for his own family, and the kind of guy who instinctively fights, then when he heard about happened, he'd come back home looking for revenge anyway.

    As was also said, not everyone at the Wall is a criminal. Once you join the Night's Watch, all your previous transgressions are forgiven, and the Night's Watch doesn't get involved in the political affairs of the Seven Kingdoms, no matter what Stannis wants ( that's an even longer story).

    The Night's Watch and the Wall are there to prevent the Wildlings and the Wights from invading the lands to the South (and unless you've actually seen the Wall in the show or artwork of it, it's hard to describe exactly how huge it is) and anyone who joins the Watch, petty criminal to knight are welcomed as an equal brother. Plus, there's the badass oath you get to take and live by,

    "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

  • Yes. It all makes sense.

    Seriously? Lol

  • Seriously? Lol

    Butt-head posted: »

    SPOILER ---- Mira will discover that Margaery is Reptilian, an alien who took on human form and wants to rule the world. Handmaiden, togethe

  • It's a prediction but highly probable. Something is wrong with Margaery, with her face.

    Seriously? Lol

  • It was confirmed that Emily Clark will "voice her character".

  • Why two major? I think Daenerys, Tyrion, Arya, Sansa and Bran are major protagonsts too.

    You may be right. Though, the black-haired guy is Jon Snow. He's basically one of the two major protagonists from the show.

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