After The Purple Wedding

Spoilers from the show, season 4!

So as we know the wedding of Margy and Joff (aka purple wedding) is probably happening in the next episode of the game. Maybe we will see it maybe not. But anyway how do you think the death of King Joffrey and it's aftermath will affect the Forresters?

Well obviously the deal with Tyrion will crash (if you did it) but anything else? I have one thing in mind: Tommen. When Tommen gets crowned don't you think it would get easier for Mira/Margy to get that protection of crown for Forresters? Well I don't actually think it's that simple but it's a possibility.

Do you have any other ideas how the death of the king might affect our story? Please tell! :)


  • edited December 2014

    Cersei will be an even bigger bitch to everyone and everything.

  • Regardless of who sits on the swords, Cersei is going to be a handful. I don't know if her mourning of Joffrey will mean she's distracted, thus giving us some leeway, or if she's more likely to lash out. As for the Tyrion deal... honestly, even if you've agreed, all that was stated was "what might be amusing for me might be dangerous for you and your family" - it really all depends on what he's planning to do before I can assess what impact it will have. shrug Even if she caught wind of the (vague) deal and tried to use it against me... well, I've already sided with Margaery over her, so I'm already on her shit list. Can't get much worse, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I have one thing in mind: Tommen. When Tommen gets crowned don't you think it would get easier for Mira/Margy to get that protection of crown for Forresters? Well I don't actually think it's that simple but it's a possibility.

    Same. It certainly isn't gonna make Cersei anymore sympathetic to our cause and like you said your deal with Tyrion will crash if you made one.

  • We might be forced to testify at Tyrions trial.

  • Yep, I've thought about that too. I will feel so bad doing that if it happens :(

    todicpetar posted: »

    We might be forced to testify at Tyrions trial.

  • edited December 2014

    i doubt that, the show showed the trial in its entirety. and it's based off the show.

    We might, however, be the one to decide to "convince" Shae to betray Tyrion so heartlessly at the request of Cersei.

    And i seriously doubt the purple wedding will be in the next episode, maybe the third. but more likely the 4th or 5th.

    todicpetar posted: »

    We might be forced to testify at Tyrions trial.

  • Cersei's still Queen Regent Tommen isn't old enough to lead yet. ,Mira is fucked. Tyrion is gonna be gone coal boy and Sera is all she's got. And that's even iffy. Coal boy must work for Vary's and I'm guessing Sera is one of Cersei's spies.

  • I think Mira will be accused of poisoning Jofrey. I am more into the episode Mountain vs Oberyn Martell

  • Yes Mountain vs. The Viper was one of the best moments in season 4, just hard to see how that could have any affect to Forresters. I doubt we will even see that fight in the game.

    Majda posted: »

    I think Mira will be accused of poisoning Jofrey. I am more into the episode Mountain vs Oberyn Martell

  • Actually we will probably see the purple wedding sooner than later. The season of the game ends shortly before season 5, and the purple wedding happens in what episode 3? There's no way it'll go past the 4th episode, I'd be a little surprised if it doesn't happen in episode 2.

    I imagine that the constant shakeups. Margery being in limbo for a second, Tyrion being removed as a source of help. Are going to be all about Mira getting a little further, and then having the rug pulled out from under her. Maybe Oberyn is one such potential source of aid that falls apart. Or while playing the game the plot contrives some other reason for her to be at the trial, meeting or another. Though honestly, it's just as likely we may only hear about it.

    We can show up at the trial for sure though. I only watch the show, but I was under the impression there was a number of witnesses we didn't see.

  • I don't know but maybe ( if my theory is right) Mira will be there to watch with Tyrion because she'll be accused of poisoning Jofrey with him.

    I can't wait to see Shae in the show, even though after what she did i really disliked her.

    OH or even better maybe you get to stand on Tyrion's trial and speak. Not that it would matter though :/

    Yes Mountain vs. The Viper was one of the best moments in season 4, just hard to see how that could have any affect to Forresters. I doubt we will even see that fight in the game.

  • well, a few things

    1. margery will get less helpful, because while Joffrey had very little power(being under 16 and all), tommen will have absolutely none, because no man in his right mind is going to listen to what a 8 years old has to say about how to run the kingdom, even if said 8 years old is the king, so how much margery can influence the king won't matter for better nor worse.
    2. now i'm kinda thinking i should have refused the deal with tyrion....then again, that would be cheating, because Mira has no idea tyrion is going to lose his power.
    3. regarding the time, my bet is the final scene of episode 2, with the whole episode ending in joffrey dying and tyrion getting arrested, just when he was about to rescue the forresters from financial ruin, diabllous ex machina there.
    4. we are going to have to testify against tyrion, this is gonna suck.
  • Remember, this is the show universe so Tommen is little older, but yes I get what you mean.

    Choombi posted: »

    well, a few things * margery will get less helpful, because while Joffrey had very little power(being under 16 and all), tommen will ha

  • edited December 2014

    I won't do it. I will never testify against Tyrion. Not under any single possible, or probable scenario.

    I mean... you know... unless Cersei promises to get Ryon back, and get the Whitehills out of Ironrath, and turn a blind eye while Asher gets his revenge.

    But under no circumstances, other than the one which Cersei is most likely to propose, will I testify against Tyrion!

    Choombi posted: »

    well, a few things * margery will get less helpful, because while Joffrey had very little power(being under 16 and all), tommen will ha

  • i haven't really watched the show, but in the books pretty much everyone that was in the wedding testified against, either by threats or bribes, in any case, despite being a pretty massive tyrion fanboy, i'm definitely going to testify against him, he's gonna get found guilty either way, and there'll probably be something to gain from testifying against him for the forresters or some such.

    Duruial posted: »

    I won't do it. I will never testify against Tyrion. Not under any single possible, or probable scenario. I mean... you know... unless C

  • At least one person was entirely truthful and testified in his favor, but the questions asked where asked in such a way that it glossed over the positives, and focused more on his affirmation of non incriminating facts and character assassination.

    It wouldn't surprise me if we could also be such a character.

    Personally I feel somewhat conflicted. I'll RP the character how I feel is right in the moment. But from a distance while I wouldn't testify against my friend, in the context of getting bribed to help out the Forrestors to just toss a drop into the ocean, versus making a stand based purely on honor because Tyrion is not really a close friend, he's a stranger. Well that doesn't seem like much of a choice.

    Even Ned played the game less than honestly, reaching out to everyone to make deals, manipulating the king, using his station as hand of the king to further his own agenda, and lying about his and his families actions multiple times. And he had a bigger boner for honor than any of these PCs seem to have. So unless it turns out they became great friends, then I likely to flip on him and get mines.

    Choombi posted: »

    i haven't really watched the show, but in the books pretty much everyone that was in the wedding testified against, either by threats or br

  • What if they threaten to take iron wrath and kill your mother and brother? They could say "look what happened to Ethan, do you want to loose the rest of your family ?" Mira is too low on the totem pole to defy the crown .

    Mira does not owe Tyrion such loyalty, he has done nothing for her family , and they have no history .

    Duruial posted: »

    I won't do it. I will never testify against Tyrion. Not under any single possible, or probable scenario. I mean... you know... unless C

  • I think that's what it will ultimately come down to for a lot of players. You're not really betraying a friend. There's not much conflicted loyalty, Tyrion is as of now just some guy who was nice to her and made a vague promise one time. Unless they really sell us on that plot, it'll be hard for my Mira to feel too torn up. It's less a betrayal and more just you going through a Tyrion shaped obstacle.

    Nikeswish posted: »

    What if they threaten to take iron wrath and kill your mother and brother? They could say "look what happened to Ethan, do you want to loos

  • Oh yeah, right, I forgot that option.

    Okay, under threats of force, or a promise of aid, I would betray Tyrion.

    But under no other circumstance! I mean, I won't do it just for fun. Got to be getting something out of it.

    Nikeswish posted: »

    What if they threaten to take iron wrath and kill your mother and brother? They could say "look what happened to Ethan, do you want to loos

  • I disagree, considering that is only episode 2 of Season 4 in the show, and by the time Episode 6 of Telltale's GOT ends it is supposed to be right around the starting events of Season 5 of the show.

  • We shall see! Won't we :D

    I disagree, considering that is only episode 2 of Season 4 in the show, and by the time Episode 6 of Telltale's GOT ends it is supposed to be right around the starting events of Season 5 of the show.

  • What if Mira is the one who poisons Joffrey´s cup? That should be great, to have the opportunity to kill the most hated character in that world. Maybe Mira didn't poison him directly but she could be the one who gives the poison to Lady Olenna or something like that.

    However I cannot imagine how is Telltale going to put Joffrey on the game if the actor is not acting anymore. I suppose that they have two options, they can make a new Joffrey or use quotes from the show, I suppose that HBO is the one who has the material needed, so that shouldn't be a problem.

  • edited December 2014

    all these theories about testifying against tyrion can be laid to rest, they showed the entirety of the trial in the show and the show is what this game is based off of. They can't simply add more testifying just because it suits them!

    The only interaction at this point that Tyrion has had with Mira was walking her out of the throne room, There simply are a far greater number of those who would be in a greater position to testify against Tyrion than Mira. He even states that Cersei would LOVE for him to meet Mira again, suggesting that he doesn't think it's a very good idea.(Which could be foreshadowing, of course. But i refuse to think so!)

    Now, they could potentially go with the idea that Tyrion presented for securing Ironwood for the throne at the request of the master of coin, But Mira simply doesn't have any authority in the matter, despite the dwindling numbers of male Forresters.
    She COULD be sent as an envoy, though. Or send a raven with her handwriting, suggesting the deal. Which may or may not be intercepted by Cersei. Either way this requires more interaction with Tyrion which provides for scenarios that are going to have to happen before the wedding, Which for pacing reasons i can't think would possibly be at the end of an episode in the game as it was for the show. This game is for fans of the show, anyone else would be utterly confused by all of it. For the same reason they opened with the Red wedding, they'll either open or very close to the beginning open with the purple wedding. Get the major story plotlines that we already know the outcome of out of the way. Which would definitely push it beyond episode 2, as we still have the fallout from episode 1 to deal with.

    My theory is that we will be the ones who are tasked with convincing Shae to testify against tyrion, at the request of Cersei, for a favor that would benefit Forrester. (Or if not done willingly, a threat to Mira's own safety.) Done in the manner of which Ramsay was convinced not to give Whitehill 100% of the Ironwood was done. As in you can present convincing argument or a weak, not-so-heartfelt one either way Shae will be convinced to testify.
    A unique insight into why Shae so heartlessly and convincingly betrayed Tyrion would go a long, long way in sympathizing with her. Which would set this game to be a must-have for fans of the show. Afterall, Tyrion offered her more than enough money, as did Varys, to live out her life in luxury. Yet she refused. To stay with Tyrion, at risk of her own life, What could possibly have changed for her to change so drastically ?

  • Prediction: For some reason, Mira has to sneak in to the room where Joffrey's body is lying in state. We then quickly have to hide when Cersei comes in. We watch uncomfortably from the shadows as she and Jaime get it on.

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