Questions for Hardcore/Knowledgeable Game of Thrones Fans.

I started reading the first book in the series, and I plan on watching the series and playing the rest of the game, I just have a few questions.
No spoilers, please.
1. What does the TV show cover in terms of the books? The first book? All of the books?
2. Should I read all of the books before watching the show, if not, what do I have to read?
3. A lot of things in the first episode of the game went over my head? Can the books or TV show clear most of these things up?
Thanks in advance!


    1. It will cover everything but its at season 4 right now. There should be 7 or 8 seasons.

    2. Whichever you prefer.

    3. I understood everything while watching the show. Dont know about the books though.

  • The first book will cover all 4 seasons and the ones to come? Is that correct? Thanks for telling me the other stuff, I just want to make sure I understand te first answer.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    * It will cover everything but its at season 4 right now. There should be 7 or 8 seasons. * Whichever you prefer. * I understood everything while watching the show. Dont know about the books though.

  • No the first book wont cover all 4 seasons. Sry for misunderstandings. The first book just covers season 1 and 2 I guess. Not sure either cause I only watch the show.

    zammey12 posted: »

    The first book will cover all 4 seasons and the ones to come? Is that correct? Thanks for telling me the other stuff, I just want to make sure I understand te first answer.

  • The first book basically covers the first season. Pretty much same with the second book and season. First half of the third book covers season 3 and the second half season 4. Somewhat.

    zammey12 posted: »

    The first book will cover all 4 seasons and the ones to come? Is that correct? Thanks for telling me the other stuff, I just want to make sure I understand te first answer.

    1. TV series cover first 3 books with 4 seasons
    2. I'd do that, but it's not mandatory to read everything before watching the show.
    3. Yeah, if you watch all 4 seasons of the show and/or all of the books.
  • Alright, Thanks for all the help, guys!

  • Basically it goes

    Season 1 = Book 1
    Season 2 = Book 2
    Season 3 = First half of book 3
    Season 4= Second half a book 3 and some assorted plotlines starting from both books 4 and 5.

    The thing with books 4 and 5 is that they were originally the same book, so they're basically two halves of the same whole, each focusing on different characters, so the show can't run the same way the books do.

    Supposedly season 5 will reach points the books themselves haven't yet, apparently.

    zammey12 posted: »

    Alright, Thanks for all the help, guys!

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