What determinates if Gared is seen or not?

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

I just went into the wiki to see the different outcomes of the game, and in the Gared character page, it says that if you stay still when the guards goes to investigate the sound, he can either discover you or not, i stood still and was not discovered, and i don't think i did something special on the scene for not being discovered, can he actually discover you? or is the wiki wrong? and what determinates if he's discovered or not?



  • The wiki is probably wrong.

  • edited December 2014

    I think the wiki phrased it wrong. While Ramsay is giving his speech over the body you can be spotted if you don't hide behind a tree when Ramsay/a guard turns. In that case you get shot and end up at the retry screen. The only two viable in game options are:

    If you stand still you're not detected and Ramsay said something like 'never mind, we wasted enough time already'

    If you run you're presumably detected but the scene ends with you just fleeing.

  • But I've seen people say they stood still and were caught, and that their only option was to run, and they didn't get caught. I stood still, didn't get caught, and got the cinematic with Gared and the flayed man.

  • Perhaps they didn't choose to stand still but let the time run out. I don't know what happens if you let the time runs out, but I could imagine that you get spotted then.

    Grimbriar posted: »

    But I've seen people say they stood still and were caught, and that their only option was to run, and they didn't get caught. I stood still, didn't get caught, and got the cinematic with Gared and the flayed man.

  • Maybe when they could watch Ramsay at the fire they watched too long and the screen got red then were caught.

    Grimbriar posted: »

    But I've seen people say they stood still and were caught, and that their only option was to run, and they didn't get caught. I stood still, didn't get caught, and got the cinematic with Gared and the flayed man.

  • I selected to stand still and didn't get caught. Not sure if there is a random element there, but that is rather atypical for that kind of Telltale game.

    Perhaps they didn't choose to stand still but let the time run out. I don't know what happens if you let the time runs out, but I could imagine that you get spotted then.

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