So the OSX version is live on Steam, but not on the Telltale site. Can we get that fixed please?

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

According to this the OSX version has been live on Steam for two days now. Still nothing here. Come on guys.


  • ...just came back home and was totally looking forward to play got, since i couldn't play it on the release date because it wasn't there. i've purchased the mac version anyway last tuesday so i can immediately download & play it after my business trip. now i'm very sad. don't make me cry telltale, bring it oooon!


  • I feel for you, this is really damn annoying. I bought it right from Telltale because I figured this will be the place where everything is up the earliest. It's for my brother who is abroad and only has his laptop, so bootcamp is no solution either. Guess Telltale really don't want my money in the future.

    cosmic_baby posted: »

    ...just came back home and was totally looking forward to play got, since i couldn't play it on the release date because it wasn't there. i'

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