What was your hardest choice?

One thing I like about this episode is the choices, they have a huge effect, and they are very difficult, instead of one choice obviously being the better one to pick.
I think the hardest one for me was picking who is sentinel, and if to punish the thief or not.


  • edited December 2014

    I guess the Sentinel choice was the most "difficult" choice.

    But I also liked the Thief, Eric's choice as well. it was sort of the epitome of what being a ruler felt like. So many people expected so many different things from you, it was awesome.

    Oh, and not to forget Mira too. It was obvious asking something of her would cause her trouble, I felt awful when she came back and told me what happened.

  • edited December 2014

    1 - I was very confused when Ethan had the chance to choose between: Diplomacy, Bargain or War.

    2 - Also, I didn't know if I should let Sera stay to hear my request to Margaery or not, ended up telling her to GET THE FUCK OUT YOU BITCH, YU'RE A SPY I KNOW IT.

  • The Sentinel choice. Ended up going with Duncan but I knew Royland would be pissy.

  • Choosing a Sentinel had me thinking for a few minutes.

  • Actually, the Sentinel choice was fairly easy for me. I would have taken Duncan no matter what.

    One choice that was very well executed and then isn't even listed in the official statistics is wether to steal something with Mira or not. I was fighting with myself the whole time. I decided not to steal, but I'm pretty sure that will bite me in the ass later on. I should have at least stolen the sigil...but no rewind :P that's boring

  • the sentinel choice was easy for me too, ended up picking Ser Royland.

    Actually, the Sentinel choice was fairly easy for me. I would have taken Duncan no matter what. One choice that was very well executed an

  • edited December 2014

    Sentinel was the obvious one; but - and I know that this is dumb- while you're walking around getting everyone's opinion about who should be sentinel one guy (can't remember who now- Duncan??) talks to you about food shortages and you have to decided if you're going take food from the little folk or not- god I spent far too long puzzling over that noise.

  • Sentinel was pretty hard. I wanted a man that was the perfect mix of Royland and Duncan - aka the Maester. But since that wasn't an option. it took me a couple of minutes, I even paused the game and had to think about it :P

  • For me it was choosing a sentinel. I walked back and forth thinking about it, and decided it was best for the men that their leading man also be close to my ear in a turbulent time when uneasy "peace" could easily be shaken by unavoidable conflict.

  • For the sentinel one, I wanted someone opposite of Ethan, which was Royland, the guy who had more fight in him, but he didn't really use his head a lot to me so I chose Duncan.

    Actually, the Sentinel choice was fairly easy for me. I would have taken Duncan no matter what. One choice that was very well executed an

  • Why I shouldn't ruin Erik's life was pretty difficult. I just ended up ruining it anyway.

  • Accepting Tyrion's offer. I had about a millisecond left on the timer before I said "yes."

  • Swearing loyalty to Cersei or Margaery. Sentinel was easy, warning the Forresters was pure instinct, most everything didn't require much thought.

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