Tough Choices

I've played through this game twice and I feel like there is no safe route at all. My first play through I completely regretted my choices. My second play through I was more cautious of my choices but I still think about if I made the right moves. Especially the choices with Mira! But anyways just felt like throwing out my thoughts.


  • edited December 2014

    I know how you feel. I personally tried a dozen combinations for the Throne room scene with Cersei, trying to please that bitch.

    Gave up, stayed evasive, swore fealty to Margaery... Basically told her to go ef herself.

    I made 2 saves though, one with Duncan as the Sentinel and the other with Royland. But I still feels this is not enough, there are really a lot of thigns that I feel could change, say, did you send Erik to the Wall ? Maybe there will be extra scenes with him and Gared ! Did you steal any of the stuff on the table with Mira ? Maybe that was some secret messages that will give you influence later on. Did you say yes to Tyrion's idea ?

    So many things, I'm really hyped to see all of that playing out.

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