What was the Deal with Tyrion ?
I don't get it? Can someone explain ?
- Lose Ironwood
- Piss off Cersei
- Piss of Margaery
- Dangerous to Me
- Dangerous to my family
What the heck was the deal for?
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I don't get it? Can someone explain ?
What the heck was the deal for?
Heh he always wants to piss of Cercei but i believe he has deeper reasons, he is very smart. Probably something that'll benefit him and piss her off.
So why would we help him? That's what i mean
Well he offered to help Mira too. I decided to help because he is my favorite character and he is a pretty decent guy too and he is not like other Lannisters. We don't know exactly what is going on YET but it'll be discovered
when did he offer to help? You don't know what the deal was but you decided to help?
He didn't exactly explain what the deal is, he suggested that the Crown can be persuaded to secure ironwood from Forrester's. I agreed just because it is Tyrion yes
Whatever the deal id, doesnt matter to me. I don't like Margery, i don't like Cercei and i love Tyrion. I didn't say i am thinking rationally, just love Tyrion that is all.
Well, he said that, if they made the deal, it would prevent any other Houses from taking the Forresters' Ironwood.
mostly just to piss off cersei because he loves that but it could have a deeper meaning either way it most likely won't matter much longer considering what happens with the wedding coming up (tv show stuff)
It all depends on the time frame of ep2, the...next wedding doesn't happen right away, it takes at least long enough for say the party from Dorne to reach the capitol, so what I think will happen is that there will be time to Tyrion to set a plan in motion regarding the Ironwood with a third party, who will take over the scheme for him after he is...indisposed. This new person (an original character that doesn't cost TTG as much as Mr. Dinklage to hire) will be your antagonist.
To buy Ironwood from the Forresters at a high price and make them rich I think?
I think the Dornishmen are already there since Sera was speaking about Oberyn. I mean it was originally supposed to be Doran not Oberyn who comes to the wedding.
Yes, Oberyn was already there, but no one knew it yet. The 'formal' Dornish arrival didn't happen until 4.1. Which makes me believe they didn't set a wedding date until Tywin considered the war over. It is strange that Sera knew/claimed she knew what Oberyn looked like, she may have seen him visiting Highgarden (a bit of a stretch perhaps)
Other Lannisters like Jaime who has saved more lives than any character in the series...? lol
The only really bad Lannisters are Cersei and Joffrey. Maybe Tywin.
But Jamie and Tyrion are actually pretty good guys.
Jamie saved the entire city of King's Landing once. Since this day he is called 'Kingslayer'. The mad king Aerys would have blown up the entire city with secret Wildfire stocks, but Jamie killed pyromancer and the king to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths. Not to mention that he selflessly saves Brienne of Tarth from the bear.
And Tyrion is a funny and reasonable guy most of the time.
I have high respect for Tywin becaue he is a ruthless leader and a skilled strategist. He also isn't as bad as everyone thinks, I guess.
But Cersei is a powerhungry bitch, who thinks she is the most clever person in the room at all times, even though her plans tend to backfire horribly. And don't even start me about that little bastard Joffrey.
Tommen and Myrcella are also not bad people.
They are just kids, give them a chance!
The thing is that Cersei threatened to give Forrester Ironwood to another house and then buy the Ironwood from them. Tyrion, meanwhile, insinuated that he could secure the Crown buying Ironwood specifically from the Forrester family, thus spitting in the face of Cersei's threats. Margaery might view that as suspicious or you going behind her back, and Cersei getting upset over the matter might cause actual harm to either the Forrester family or Mira herself. Quite frankly, I'm not worried about Cersei since I'm already on her shit list for swearing fealty to Margaery over Joffrey.
Ah, I wasn't sure about the 'not'. I thought it was 'not' at first, but then thought it was 'no'.
Anyway, I never said they were bad. In fact, I said they are not. With that I mean what you said.
I was just kidding, the joke being that they are youngsters, so they have their whole lives to become evil
I'm sorry I didn't get that
Sorry for my humor :P
And for being still awake at 00:30 in the morning.
This seems a bit legit explanation thanks
and yeah i didn't swear fealty