The Last Words Lord Whitehill Will Hear

The last words that bastard Lord Whitehill and his son will ever hear will be "You've brought this on yourself". I just rewatched the ending and it pissed me off again how he says that...e may not be able to kill Ramsay for the murder of Lord Ethan but I will murder Lord Whitehill and his son once Asher gets home.

I really hope there is an option for this....What about you, what will you do to him?



  • I would gladly "Reek" him , given the chance !
    I would definitely use the line you mentioned . He deserves it .

  • I want him to experience all of the irony.

    Arrowtic posted: »

    I would gladly "Reek" him , given the chance ! I would definitely use the line you mentioned . He deserves it .

  • "Burn in hell you milksop"

  • "I don't need a bold lord either"

    • Asher
  • edited December 2014

    why all the hate on gryff? we haven't seen him yet, maybe he's a cool dude.

    also remember his daughter is the former love interest of asher....DEFINITELY looking forward to interact with her as asher.
    generally, i really hope they won't go all "good guys forresters vs bad guys whitehills", and rather than that show us that while Ludd(the lord) is a horrible person, his family isn't.

  • If his son is nice then he is spared but the lord will die.

    Honestly I have low hopes for him being nice as he is the son of that Lord Asshill, I doubt he raised them to be nice...Even less to Forresters.

    Choombi posted: »

    why all the hate on gryff? we haven't seen him yet, maybe he's a cool dude. also remember his daughter is the former love interest of ash

  • We all do my friend.

    Arrowtic posted: »

    I want him to feel the pain P.S : Apparently I've got a seriously dark side inside .

  • I will pretty much be as cruel to the Whitehills as the game allows. I do not sow. lol

  • I want him to feel the pain :D

    P.S : Apparently I've got a seriously dark side inside .

    I want him to experience all of the irony.

  • edited December 2014

    i'm totally going to try and settle this feud without any bloodshed if i get the option, just to show them that were better than them(plus i'm opposed to hurting people in general, sue me :P).
    then again, Ludd is a horrible person and i'll have much trouble leaving him alive by the end of the game, i'm trying to be nice but i've got no shred of sympathy for assholes like him.

    really hope we will get a choice on such matters.

    If his son is nice then he is spared but the lord will die. Honestly I have low hopes for him being nice as he is the son of that Lord Asshill, I doubt he raised them to be nice...Even less to Forresters.

  • edited December 2014

    Nah, you have to burn down the whole house in order to be taken seriously. Gryff might be awesome, his sister was Asher's lover, she might be great. But the Rain's of Castamere is a great story because Tywin didn't spare anyone. It is time to go Clegane on the Whitehills.

    Choombi posted: »

    why all the hate on gryff? we haven't seen him yet, maybe he's a cool dude. also remember his daughter is the former love interest of ash

  • and then everyone will hate us! until a man has proven himself to be a jerk i see no reason to do any harm onto him.

    Duruial posted: »

    Nah, you have to burn down the whole house in order to be taken seriously. Gryff might be awesome, his sister was Asher's lover, she might

  • That honestly would be a great way to end things... Ludd laying on his back, staring up at you... you have the option to show mercy or not, and you hit that kill him button, and as Ludd begs you to spare him "You've brought this on yourself" oh it would be great.

    Though an option to kill his entire family in front of him first, then kill him, would be so much better. Break him like Ramsay does to Theon before you let him depart the world.

  • To be fair the Whitehill have proven to have quite a grudge and won't stop till we're dead. In the North you need to be strong to survive and trust me I've tried negotiations with them and it's failed. Just like my Sentinel said, fighting without trying negotiations first is stupid. I tried and I failed, "Time for bloodshed motherfuckers" is what I'm going to say when Asher comes back.

    If his family turns out to be nice then they shall receive my mercy however the Lord has proven he doesn't deserve such.

    Choombi posted: »

    i'm totally going to try and settle this feud without any bloodshed if i get the option, just to show them that were better than them(plus i

  • "Where the fucks MY bread and salt, you bloody AMATEUR!"


    you bloody AMATEUR!"



    Then we stab him in the throat.

    Churned posted: »

    "Where the fucks MY bread and salt, you bloody AMATEUR!"

  • "Where the fucks MY bread and salt, you bloody AMATEUR!"

  • Alt text

    "Where the fucks MY bread and salt, you bloody AMATEUR!" . you bloody AMATEUR!" . bloody Then we stab him in the throat.

  • "You should have ended it with ethan
    Lady forrester sends her regards"

  • edited December 2014

    The last thing Whitehill will hear if Telltale allows it will be:

    stab... slice... thrust...

  • Me being...

    ...fluffy > I agree with you Choombi. Every person is only accountable for his/her own actions. I especially will not continue a pointless feud just for tradition. If Gryff is a partner for peace, I will team up with him. In best case scenario Asher and Gwyn (that was the name, right?) still love each other. Combine this with a "political" marriage and both houses will have common interests. Get the crown the ironwood they need and lay low, since winter is coming. In summary: Before I put on the warpaint, I will check all options.

    ...pragmatic > Most likely all hope is lost with Ludd. Depending his further actions, it might be necessary to "dispose" of him. I will not kill him for vengeance. It will be done only if he stands in the way for peace restoration, in order to provide all living persons involved a better future. As far I have checked my books revenge has not brought back a single death person... only created more.

    ...thinking in GOT terms > Peace and happiness!? If there is, it would not be GOT. After all we are the audience and want to be entertained with blood, tears and tragedy. There is most likely no option in the game for what I mention above. Brace for violence! :-P

    Choombi posted: »

    i'm totally going to try and settle this feud without any bloodshed if i get the option, just to show them that were better than them(plus i

  • "You bellow like a wounded boar, Lord Whitehill. Have you forgotten your manners...?"

  • "I ate all the bread, but here's your salt." drop saltlick

  • "Ethan is lord of ironrath now if you have a problem with that I trust you can find the door?"

    Definatley her best moment of the episode

    Kimarous posted: »

    "You bellow like a wounded boar, Lord Whitehill. Have you forgotten your manners...?"

  • While I do hope we kill Ludd, I hope even more we kill Britt. Him and his hair annoys me.

  • "The North remembers", "You forgot the bread and salt, amateur" or just some good ol' "You've brought this on yourself" or get cheesy and just say 'Iron from ice' as you kill him

  • "And I suppose it is now that I stab you in the throat."

  • "My only regret is Ethan wasn't there to see you die himself"

  • I'd like to get him a chance to redeem himself before I decide.

  • Admirable. "Well Ludd, you directly led to the events that got Ethan murdered by Ramsay Bolton, all because you wanted to push people around and act like a wounded boar... but since then, by golly, you've been a hero to puppies and children everywhere. So... this time, I will let you off with a warning"

    Nah, I'd still kill him. He could go on to be a saint, but I'd still kill him and make his family watch.

    fallandir posted: »

    I'd like to get him a chance to redeem himself before I decide.

  • Do whatever you want.

    Duruial posted: »

    Admirable. "Well Ludd, you directly led to the events that got Ethan murdered by Ramsay Bolton, all because you wanted to push people aroun

  • Because his name rhymes with the tannen gang from back to the future. Blech.

    Choombi posted: »

    why all the hate on gryff? we haven't seen him yet, maybe he's a cool dude. also remember his daughter is the former love interest of ash

  • Actually the only one that heard that line that would be capable of doing something like that was Royland or Duncan, so it would be them if anything. At least they would be the one saying it.

    Duruial posted: »

    That honestly would be a great way to end things... Ludd laying on his back, staring up at you... you have the option to show mercy or not,

  • I personally thought it was:

    Lord Whitehill: What kinda fuckin' house is this?

    Lady Forrester: It is a house of HONORABLE men.

    "Ethan is lord of ironrath now if you have a problem with that I trust you can find the door?" Definatley her best moment of the episode

  • ''You're a bold lord, aren't you? Stabs him in the throat But we don't need a bold lord.''

    And then I leave him to choke on the irony. Oh, and the blood too.

  • Well, I mean, it is possible that Duncan or Royland, or any family member, recount the details of how Ethan died to Asher. Which allows for Asher to utilize the statement.

    Actually the only one that heard that line that would be capable of doing something like that was Royland or Duncan, so it would be them if anything. At least they would be the one saying it.

  • Ludd completely trust his son on the matter of the garrison at Ironrath. I'm sure he is capable of horrible things like his father.
    Even so, his might be somewhat different, since look at Asher and his father. I wonder what kind of person Gryff is.

    Also, I wouldn't want to be the commander of that garrison, when Asher comes home raging. Oh boy :Đ

    Choombi posted: »

    and then everyone will hate us! until a man has proven himself to be a jerk i see no reason to do any harm onto him.

  • "I banged your daughter."

  • Alt text

    Karaj posted: »

    "I banged your daughter."

  • Dull. Lord Whitehill may not be totally evil. Sometimes surviving doesn't mean brutal vendetta. I'd like TTG find other way.

  • The sentinel until Asher gets back.

    Who is Lord now? Asher?

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