New to Game of Thrones

Hey guys, before I bought the game, i want to know. Is this a game I can play considering I haven't read or seen any game of thrones? Or should I watch the show or read the books before playing this game?


  • I highly recommend it. I saw the show and read two of the books before playing, and really enjoyed it. A lot of people who didn't know GoT have said they barely understood anything about what was happening during the game. I see it as a sort of add-on to the series, and you won't get anything out of it without knowing about Game of Thrones.

  • The show provides a lot of back-story for the game, especially for some of the characters you meet. I'd watch it.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I would recommend watching the show or reading the books as there are references to characters and events which you might not get if you haven't watched or read about them.

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