Did GoT brought you here?

So who joined the site and possibly got any of the other TTG games just because they love GoT and found out its being made by TTG? Im personally a fan long before but Im curious of how many people got into TTG because of GoT.


  • I had heard about ttg before, even watched some let's play (twd). But yes GoT really brought me here and now I've also played TWAU and the first episode of TFTB. So now I'm a ttg fan, thanks to GoT :)

  • I was brought here by The Walking Dead. I was watching the show one night and during one of the commercial breaks, a commercial for Season 2 came on, it seemed like an interesting game. So I bought the game's first season and was hooked instantly. I went onto buy Season 2, then The Wolf Among Us, and then Tales from the Borderlands. So far, Telltale hasn't disappointed me at all.

  • I saw that GoT is going to be a game so i came to telltale. At first i thought i will wait until it GoT is realesed but then i started playing Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us and i love them WAY more than GoT

  • I have always been peripherally aware of TTG and their game style. I briefly dated someone who was a huge TWD fan and played the game from TTG, though I never got into it (much like TWD). I did already own Tales of Monkey Island, having bought it when the episodes came out, as i grew up on Monkey Island and was anxious to play a new game. However, GoT is the first TTG game I have purchased or played since Tales came out.

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