Lifting buggy

I am playing as Gared and close to the beginning a buggy falls on top of him, can anyone tell me how to get it off? I have tried constant pressing, intermittent pressing, and pushing up but nothing seems to work. Can anyone help?


  • Just press the key on screen, if it's an arrow, press A,W,S or D depending on the direction and if it's a Q press it repeatedly

  • I'm sorry, I failed to mention it is on IOS.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Just press the key on screen, if it's an arrow, press A,W,S or D depending on the direction and if it's a Q press it repeatedly

  • edited December 2014

    Hmm, i've never played a Telltale game on IOS, but i suppose that you have to tap it repeatdly, or swipe the screen in the correct direction, also are you sure you screen works properly? it could be a problem with it too, you might want to post this on the support section

    D-cory posted: »

    I'm sorry, I failed to mention it is on IOS.

  • Thanks for your help but I finally figured it out. You have to tap quickly.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Hmm, i've never played a Telltale game on IOS, but i suppose that you have to tap it repeatdly, or swipe the screen in the correct direction

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