
It's a bit early, maybe, but it could be fun to guess what's to come. What do you guys think will happen in coming episodes? Will more Forresters die? Will they get some revenge on Ramsay/Whitehills? Who will be the lord of House Forrester by the end of the season, or will EVERYONE in the house end up dead? What role will other TV show/book characters play?


  • It's pretty hard to guess what will happen.

    I mean, we still don't know what the hell the North Grove is, and it looks pretty important to House Forrester, and by extension to us. But I guess Episode 2 will be about Gared's life at the Wall along with his meeting with Jon Snow, and the reason he'll leave it (then again he might not even leave the Wall that soon, if at all). We'll most certainly also see Asher's situation (maybe Ending with him on the boat, so that we're allowed to see his life at Essos before Malcolm come and gets him). All of that with intermittent scenes for Mira and whoever it is we control to see what happens at Ironrath, seeing how our Sentinel fares in command.

    See, so many possibilities, all of that is probably as wrong as it can get, but it might be something along those lines for Episode 2 I guess.

    The next Episodes are even harder to predict, but I do hope we get to kick Whitehill's face in with Asher, at the very least. I'm also interested in guiding little Ryon on the good path, because atm... I don't know, and I'm sure Ethan's death won't make things better.

    As for what I WOULD LIKE to see happen (even if I know there's no way in hell it'll turn out like this), Gared become lord of Ironrath and marrying Talia. I'm a sucker for "from zero to hero" stories :D

  • Everyone dies.

  • Gared become lord of Ironrath and marrying Talia.

    Are you a fan of Taled? High five!

    Byakuren posted: »

    It's pretty hard to guess what will happen. I mean, we still don't know what the hell the North Grove is, and it looks pretty important t


    Gared become lord of Ironrath and marrying Talia. Are you a fan of Taled? High five!

  • I'll kill that motherfucker Whitehill, since I have no chances of killing Ramsay.

  • How old is Talia again? Lmao

    Crips posted: »


  • Age doesn't matter, bro. It is known for adult men to have much younger wives in medieval times, and I believe in GoT universe also.

    Green613 posted: »

    How old is Talia again? Lmao

  • Age matters bruh, even if it was acceptable back then it isn't now. I'd do everything within my power to stop Taled from happening :P

    Crips posted: »

    Age doesn't matter, bro. It is known for adult men to have much younger wives in medieval times, and I believe in GoT universe also.

  • My predictions:
    -Asher will die.
    -We are going to met Bran in Gared´s story.
    -The little sister will disappear just like Arya.
    -Maybe the Forrester´s stronghold will be destroyed at some point.

  • Maybe not a huge prediction but Im assuming at least one episode we will have the choice to marry off one of the kids or even Mira will have to choose a husband to help her family. Maybe she falls for some guy but there is another who has more power etc. Sums up the trouble women faced. Or maybe Asher more likely given his old romance with the whitehill girl, choosing her or someone else

    Oh and Talia and Ryon having no say in it will be even worse but its something I see happening.

  • I predict that Mira will finally ally the house with Vary's after Margery leaves her twisting in the wind. That at some point the Foresters will slaughter the garrison left at their home. And I predict that Asher will kill every person he thinks might be even a little bit of a threat. (because I'm going to take that option every time its presented)

  • I predict Gared will become a ranger so he can look for whatever the North Grove is, it must be beyond the wall since Duncan told Gared not to tell anyone at the Wall. Because they probably know it/have heard of it. Here he'll probably encounter some of the TV show's characters form beyond the wall.

  • edited December 2014

    I highly predict Asher and Malcolm are going to stay in Essos for a while. First, they are in Yunkai in Episode 2 and we already know that Dany is going to appear in person. She is not in Yunkai. Therefore Asher has to travel to Meereen at some point in the storyline. Also, nobody get's out of Slaver's Bay in one episode. It will likely take him 5 seasons until he even comes close to return to Westeros. And then he get's kidnapped by Dothraki. That's just the way things work in the black hole of eastern Essos.

    I have no idea how Gareds storyline is going to continue, but since he is at the Wall, it would be likely that he is going beyond it at some point. Maybe we even get to see the wildling attack on the Wall from his perspective, which would be amazing.

    I think we will see the Purple Wedding from Miras perspective, maybe next episode, maybe in Episode 3. Maybe she has to seek help from either Margaery or Coal Boy/Varys.

    As for the Ironrath storyline: There will be lot's of blood and lot's of death. I think Talia and Ryon are relatively safe (don't you dare Telltale!) but Royland, Duncan and Ortengryn aren't that safe from my perspective. The situation will probably get worse, depending on which Sentinel Ethan chose.

    As for characters from the show/books appearing: We know Jon will be in the next episode and Dany is appearing sometime in the future. With Gared at the Wall, some of the other Watchmen could appear, like Sam or Pyp. If we get to see the purple wedding, Joffrey has to make an appearance, together with the (likely unvoiced) other attendants. Finally, I really hope for Roose Bolton to make an appearance in person.

    The only thing I'm sure of is, that Ludd Whitehill will be dead at the end of this season!

  • I hope it is going to be a very nice and satisfying death, damn Whitehills

    I highly predict Asher and Malcolm are going to stay in Essos for a while. First, they are in Yunkai in Episode 2 and we already know that D

  • Alt text

    I hope it is going to be a very nice and satisfying death, damn Whitehills

  • Just came to my mind, we might see Locke at the wall. It was about in this point when he arrived there to find out if Bran and Rickon were hiding there. I remember there being a scene where he beat the hell out of some other newcomer when training with Ser Alliser. Someone should check if there was anyone looking like Gared in that scene (I can't atm).

  • In the comic Andrea and Dale loved each other to death. Though she was 22-25, and 40-45 him. But they could not live without one another.

    Love has no boundaries, man ;)

    I hope Gared and Talia will be together :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Age matters bruh, even if it was acceptable back then it isn't now. I'd do everything within my power to stop Taled from happening :P

  • Duncan will betray the Forresters. He's just too obviously the good, wise, dependable character.

  • Lord Forrester trusted him his whole live for a reason. Duncan Tuttle is a good man. He will never betray the Forresters.

    derella posted: »

    Duncan will betray the Forresters. He's just too obviously the good, wise, dependable character.

  • Well, if he doesn't betray them he will die a horrible death.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Lord Forrester trusted him his whole live for a reason. Duncan Tuttle is a good man. He will never betray the Forresters.

  • Well firstly more Forresters, especially Asher maybe all of them. Though honestly since the season is focused on them exclusively it's hard to imagine they will be annihilated. Expect a bunch of them to die, and the forests to get burned down. But all will not be lost. Why?

    The north grove is a bunch of backup ironwood trees, duh. This is how they will bring back the forest after their currents tree get fucked up.

    Ramsay will not have anything important happen to him in the game, he's doing just fine in season 4. But all the antagonists original to the game are fucked. They exist to serve as hatesinks to the audience, hatesinks we can murder without messing up the canon. Britt for sure is dead, Lord Whitehill is probably dead, likely in one of the last 2 episodes.

    Maybe Asher marries the Whitehill chick to end the fighting permanently? That seems way too optimistic for the brand. Stuff like that happens in the setting when you look at their history, but it never happens on screen. Expect their romance to be brought up and used for DRAMAAAAA, but likely little else. Maybe some tragic bullshit happens. Either way expect Asher to do something arguably stupid to Whitehill's son in the garrison. It's a son and not a guy, so that whatever Asher does is dramatic. Whether it's just talking shit, or taking him hostage or whatever.

    Someone is a traitor. That much is for certain. How did all those badguys get into the castle, who let them in? Even if that was just a writing mistake, which is unlikely, traitors are a core port of the GOT formula. Smart money is on the Maester, just because he was conspicuously absent. But don't sleep on whichever sentinel wasn't chosen and didn't show up to the meeting like an ass.

    Besides that expect the plot to contrive reasons for us to be at cool events from episode 4. Purple wedding, trial of Tyrion, duel over Tyrion, battle at the wall. The purple wedding is basically a lock us being a handmaiden for Margery, and seeing the setting chart. And it's likely to happen either next episode or episode 3. Expect Mira's plots to be her getting jerked around a bunch, but slowly turning the tables to her advantage.

    I feel pretty good about these predictions. The plot is smaller in scope, and easier to wrap our arms around than GOT proper, and they only have 5 more episodes. I'm sure other stuff will happen, and some of this will be off. But still, this is going to be pretty on point.

    Side note:Gared is maybe 3 years older than Talia, tops. Also that's not the reason they'll never be together. There's the social situation and his joining the night's watch. It just won't happen.

  • Talia seems to be about 14 and Gared is 18-20. That's an acceptable age gap. And also, in Game Of Thrones, people marry when they're young.

    Green613 posted: »

    Age matters bruh, even if it was acceptable back then it isn't now. I'd do everything within my power to stop Taled from happening :P

  • edited December 2014

    Maybe we even get to see the wildling attack on the Wall from his perspective, which would be amazing.

    I don't know about the show, but I believe that Stannis and Melisandre appear on the Wall in "Storm Of Swords". I wonder if we will see them.

    I highly predict Asher and Malcolm are going to stay in Essos for a while. First, they are in Yunkai in Episode 2 and we already know that D

  • edited December 2014

    It's very similar in the show, with Stannis, Melisandre and Davos coming to the rescue in the last episode of Season 4. If Telltale is going as far as the battle for the Wall (Episode 9) this season, they will likely also show the aftermath and Stannis.

    I'm not sure about Melisandre, since I don't know why she would ever talk to a common Watchman like Gared. If she would ever talk to him, it will likely be a very minor scene. With Jon and Daenerys upcoming and Varys very likely, Telltale has to look at their budget. I don't think they will cast show characters for very minor roles. But Stannis would be pretty cool and would make sense too. In the books, House Forrester is mentioned as aiding Stannis army (which is also their only mention in the books), so maybe Gared is going to act as a negotiator between Stannis and House Forrester. But since Game of Thrones is already planned for multiple seasons I could also see them having Stannis in the next season instead of a role in the last episode.

    Maybe we even get to see the wildling attack on the Wall from his perspective, which would be amazing. I don't know about the show,

  • Talia is more like 15-16, and Gared around 24-25. And that's not really an acceptable age gap.

    Talia seems to be about 14 and Gared is 18-20. That's an acceptable age gap. And also, in Game Of Thrones, people marry when they're young.

  • Not in Game Of Thrones.

    Talia is more like 15-16, and Gared around 24-25. And that's not really an acceptable age gap.

  • The problem is not that it is historically incorrect (which it isn't), but that Telltale, as a company in modern times, can't just do that. It would be almost as bad as the abomination that some pedophiles came up with on the forums. Not that bad, but still a step in the wrong direction.

    Not in Game Of Thrones.

  • Yeah, I know that they probably won't do it. But it still doesn't mean that I can't ship these two :3

    The problem is not that it is historically incorrect (which it isn't), but that Telltale, as a company in modern times, can't just do that.

  • He will. This is westeros. Good people die in the most horrible ways.

    derella posted: »

    Well, if he doesn't betray them he will die a horrible death.

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