When is it best to play the game?

This question goes out to the bigger GoT fans. What point in watching the TV series do you think would be best to play the game? I'm about halfway through season 3. Should I watch a bit more before playing? Nah? Thank you!


  • If I recall correctly, it starts right as season 3 ends, but I think you should finish season 4 before starting this.

  • I haven't watched a single episode of the show, or read any of the books. I still enjoyed playing through the first episode, and it was relatively easy to understand. I would recommend it to anyone, really.

  • edited December 2014

    I think you would enjoy it much more if you actually watched the show or read the books up until that point, it feels much better to actually know which characters they're mentioning, you know. For instance, I instinctively knew Joffrey would tell Margaery to gtfo, since at this point he's not nearly as infatuated with her as he is later on. You also know what to expect of some characters, I bit my fingernails knowing that Ramsay would come to Ironrath, considering I knew he was a complete and unpredictable psycho. This helped build the tension and reinforced the feeling of helplessness that the Forrester would've actually felt had they been real.

    These are the kind of things you're missing ! :D

    Belan posted: »

    I haven't watched a single episode of the show, or read any of the books. I still enjoyed playing through the first episode, and it was relatively easy to understand. I would recommend it to anyone, really.

  • I see what you're saying, but at this point I think I would prefer to just learn along the way. I don't want to spoil things for myself, and I don't want my decision making to be affected by outside knowledge. I honestly liked piecing the alliances/strengths of those alliances together on my own. It made my experience playing as Ethan all the more realistic, as I was as unprepared to lead as he was, and had to really sort of think hard about what I was doing. So while I may be missing out on connections from the show, I really do enjoy putting things together on my own, and it's part of why I enjoyed the episode.

    Byakuren posted: »

    I think you would enjoy it much more if you actually watched the show or read the books up until that point, it feels much better to actuall

  • The red wedding happens in episode 9 of season three, and the game starts just outside of the Twins as the wedding is coming to it's end. So i would start there i think.
    Hope that helps

  • for episode ONE atleast you should watch ALL season 3 of the TV SHOW. as far as the next 5 episode of telltale, i think you should watch season 4, which you will have time to catch up on. :D

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