Do we have to join the nights watch?

I kind of hope we get the option not to. I get some people like the idea but I really dont want to ruin gareds life over this. Can't he just go somewhere else hes not a criminal he has a choice whether he joins.

Honestly I see next to no benefit in joining them.



    Within the ranks of the Night's Watch, desertion is considered a form of oathbreaking. Deserters are not only hunted down by sworn brothers of the Watch but also by lords should a deserter enter his lands.

  • Yes, we have to.

    Certain plot points are just too big to be determinant.

  • Yeah if your sentenced there or once you've sworn an oath, free men can leave before that. Im talking about doing neither Within the ranks of the Night's Watch, desertion is considered a form of oathbreaking. D

  • I hope we have to I want to wear one of them stylish coats.

  • I REALLY hope we don't have to, but we probably will

  • Come on guys! Night's Watch is cool...kinda...

  • edited December 2014

    I have a feeling we won't get the option to back out. It'd be sweet if we could (though I don't know why you would want to. it'd only be cool IMO because of the whole bitching about choices not having an impact).

    I have a feeling that the plot will demand it, no matter what.

  • edited December 2014

    Duncan told Gared to become a ranger, pretty sure he will have serve the Night's Watch as only those who has spoken their wows are allowed to accept their roles. But we shall see how it goes. I am interested to see how Gared is able to help the Forresters while he is in the Night's Watch.

    I have some ideas in mind, but I don't want to say them because I fear that I may cause Telltale to rewrite the episode or something...

  • Dont worry about that. Telltale didnt creat Gared out of fun. He has a big role in the story. He will help his uncle to discover the secrets of the north grove.

    Duncan told Gared to become a ranger, pretty sure he will have serve the Night's Watch as only those who has spoken their wows are allowed t

  • I'm worried that because Duncan said he'd need help with the North Grove, Gared will have to desert the Night's Watch. Maybe he does succeed with the North Grove but eventually the Night's Watch catch up with him and he is executed D:

  • My guess is that Gared stays with the Night's Watch, maybe for some time. Before he can take his oath, something happens that might cause him to leave the order. As long as Gared doesn't say his oath, he is free to leave as he willing went to the Wall. Criminals are often escorted to the wall, if there is no proof or words about his crimes, he is a free man.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I'm worried that because Duncan said he'd need help with the North Grove, Gared will have to desert the Night's Watch. Maybe he does succeed with the North Grove but eventually the Night's Watch catch up with him and he is executed

  • By the time he's ready to make his vows, I'm sure that Duncan will be dead or something that kickstarts the mission for the North Grove, which makes Gared leave the Wall to go exploring for it. He wouldn't have said his vows so he'll be fine.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I'm worried that because Duncan said he'd need help with the North Grove, Gared will have to desert the Night's Watch. Maybe he does succeed with the North Grove but eventually the Night's Watch catch up with him and he is executed

  • I know nothing about the Night's Watch, but they sound nice and they probably get all the ladies.

  • Don't be offend by this. But I really need to put this. :D

    You Serious?

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I know nothing about the Night's Watch, but they sound nice and they probably get all the ladies.

  • probably get all the ladies.

    Um yeah, about that...

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I know nothing about the Night's Watch, but they sound nice and they probably get all the ladies.

  • Ever saw that shirt?

    Alt text

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I know nothing about the Night's Watch, but they sound nice and they probably get all the ladies.

  • Gared has to join the Night's Watch. Not just because the plot says so, but also because being in the Watch is probaly the one place in the North where the Boltons won't come crashing down on him. If he really wanted to dodge their hitters, he would've had to have booked south instantly. Hoped he didn't get recognized by anyone going through the North and the Riverlands, and go take a new name in some other kingdom.

    Which would be more fun for him, but take him entirely out of the plot.

  • Ah, didn't think of that. Let's hope he doesn't make his vows then.

    By the time he's ready to make his vows, I'm sure that Duncan will be dead or something that kickstarts the mission for the North Grove, which makes Gared leave the Wall to go exploring for it. He wouldn't have said his vows so he'll be fine.

  • edited December 2014

    they probably get all the ladies.

    So much ironE

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I know nothing about the Night's Watch, but they sound nice and they probably get all the ladies.

  • I assume yes, but if he deserts....

  • What confuses me, is why Duncan was only treating it as if it was a slight set back for Gared and House Forrester at large?

    Once you join the Nights Watch, it's for life until death and they don't meddle in the politics to the south or bad things happen. They would never allow Gared to assist House Forrester in there struggle to survive.(A lesson Jon Snow and Aemon Targaryen have had to face day after day)

    When Duncan told Gared to become a ranger and that he would need his help with the North grove thing for House thoughts were "Would you also like me to tame a dragon? perhaps bring both Gregor and Rodrik back to life as well? It's not like Gared would be deserting the Night's Watch or anything to do this...they totally would break the rules just for Gared to help House Forrester".

    Just because Gared might become a Ranger does not give him free reign to do as he pleases in the Night's Watch.

  • People have pointed out that Gared is technically free to back out until he makes his vows. Once he makes his vows he's stuck there but until then he should be able to help with the North Grove thing.

    What confuses me, is why Duncan was only treating it as if it was a slight set back for Gared and House Forrester at large? Once you join

  • My only request would be to talk to Dolorous Edd. That aside, I'm not sure what connection the wall will have to the main plot-line at this point, or why it would be the only place that Gared could hide.

  • It's the only place because technically once he has taken the black he cannot be accused for his past crimes. The only other option would've been to go to White Harbor and take a ship to Essos. Well of course he could have tried going south but that would've meant he had to smuggle through the Neck again, Moat Cailin still is controlled by the ironborn. And the south isn't really that safe place for Northerners right now anyway.

    Mikejames posted: »

    My only request would be to talk to Dolorous Edd. That aside, I'm not sure what connection the wall will have to the main plot-line at this point, or why it would be the only place that Gared could hide.

  • People seem to think Gared is going to be able to back out of this. Maybe it's just wishful thinking but Duncan specifically tells him to become a Ranger. It's clear that Gared is likely destined to spend quite a bit of time on the wall, basically all of season 4, so that he can be there at the orgies of violence that was the Red Wedding and the fight with the Wildings. That's roughly a year. He is going to take those vows.

    I'm guessing he said to become a ranger, because that way he would have a little more slack to do North Grove related things. Which the plot will somehow contrive to give him. Which is not too much of a stretch that he'd find a minute in the next year to go mess with them.

  • He left Ironrath of his own accord and he's going to reach the Wall not in chains, but as a man willing to serve the kingdom. He's not a criminal in the eyes of the Night Watch.

  • they sound nice and they probably get all the ladies

    Alt text

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I know nothing about the Night's Watch, but they sound nice and they probably get all the ladies.

  • edited December 2014

    I think Gared has to join the Night's Watch or else Lord Snow would be on his ass 24/7. IIRC, all your previous crimes and sins are cleared once you join the Night's Watch, so it would be illegal for Lord Snow to kill an 'innocent' Gared.

  • Sorry I was making a really bad/dumb joke.

    Majda posted: »

    You obviously know nothing about it. Since there aren't ladies and even if there were the oath makes it impossible. Well, unless you break it like some did.

  • You obviously know nothing about it. Since there aren't ladies and even if there were the oath makes it impossible.
    Well, unless you break it like some did.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I know nothing about the Night's Watch, but they sound nice and they probably get all the ladies.

  • I love the Wall too. I like the Night's Watch because they are ancient and falling guardians. I like that they are the underdogs who are suppose to protect the realm.

  • I can see why the Wall is an option, but it's a life sentence. Leaving with someone like Malcolm to get on a ship would have been dangerous, but at least there would be some chance of returning home at some point, rather than politically and emotionally splitting Gared off from anything related to the Forresters and their conflict.

    It's the only place because technically once he has taken the black he cannot be accused for his past crimes. The only other option would've

  • Heh yes. Well Sam didn't...yet :D

  • damn right stylish coats.

    I hope we have to I want to wear one of them stylish coats.

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